29th February 2016, 01:11 AM
Snaildom Knight Application
Snaildom Name: Collusion
Age: 15
I used to be a DSGHQ moderator, Xat moderator, Auren.JS moderator, a SC moderator and I currently have a sword.
Reasons I want to join
My first reason is because of my ranks that shows I am a trusted member.
My second reason is that I'm experienced with a sword.
My third reason is that I know my powers and I have the responsibility to earn such a job like this.
/arrest (username)
/release (username)
/goto (username)
/summon (username)
Also, the commands for a sword is:
Shift+F - Take out sword
F - Swing sword
Move mouse - Move the sword to requested position
Spacebar - Block
If I were to be an Knight, I would vow to protect Snaildom, not abuse my powers and do right for Snaildom.
- Matthewster