29th February 2016

OldCP Graphics App

Made by Pigifying in Applications

Just a Pig
3 posts
Seen 11th March 2016
29th February 2016, 05:38 PM

OldCp Multiple options application

Name | Josh

Age | 14

Timezone | USA Central time

Experience | Graphic Art: 3 Years | Game Development: 3 years (1 game) | Moderating: 4 years

Date Joined | Just a few days ago on the forum, but I played OldCp for a while

Desired Rank:= Graphics Designer

Hello! My name is Josh (Pigifying) and I wanted to apply to be a part of the OldCp team. I have multiple things in mind that I can do and I am excited to share them. I would like to apply for is a Graphics designer. This would most likely be my best position. I have done graphic art for about 3 years now and I am very skilled using Photoshop, After effects, and heck, even Paint.Net if needed. I have a past application, but I flawed myself with too many positions requested, and I figured I would stick to the main topic that I have chosen. I have created Minecraft Server Banners for a handful of servers. If you want to see some examples of previous work I have done, see this https://sites.google.com/site/piggysbannersandart/allbanners (Minecraft Banners) and http://i.imgur.com/16IyOGM.jpg (YT Channel art). I would stick to the older style of club penguin and I have come to a great appreciation of how it is done. Personally, I love that old feel of the 2005-2007 art and I really like doing it. I would make it just like the old stuff, and I would do whatever was expected. Unless you are going to be like REAL old club penguin and have events depending on holidays and keep fishing out new content and parties, the next set of information is completely voided. Things I can imagine myself I would help make bins with items for events such as the "Party Hat" bin from club penguin beta, Items in inventory, new little structures for events etc. or anything that could happen to make OldCp Just like the real club penguin. I come in as very mature to everyone I meet and I would take my job seriously in whatever I needed to do. I would be ecstatic if you can consider me for a team and I would appreciate some feedback! Thanks guys!

- Josh

+1 by Ash and teig
- The Grate (And Cheesy, Oh God hehe) and Exciting Pigifying

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