3rd March 2016

Penguin Watch App

Made by Bree in Applications

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Seen 1st December 2020
3rd March 2016, 07:10 PM

Hi! I am here to apply for the rank of Penguin Watch.

What makes you think you should be on Penguin Watch?
I can keep secrets very well. I am very kind, and like to help people. I also think its really important to have a safe community,

How often are you on oldcp?
I am on just about ALWAYS! I am only not on on Sundays, because of my reasons. Otherwise I am on 24/7.

Have you ever had a rank before?
I was a xat temp mod. thats all but I think I am still perfectly eligible for this rank.

Do you have any background with DSGHQ or are you still a newbie?
I was on in late 2013 till about mid 2014. But then I left. So I rejoined december-january time. I am now re-earning my ranks. And I am a member on Forums, but I keep getting dislikes, and I am doing a sacrifice that keeps me from getting more rep.

Extra Info:

Age: 16 I turn 17 on April 2nd

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time

Please take this application into consideration. I would love to have any feedback!

+1 by Olivia and TerryDJ

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