296 posts
Seen 3rd October 2024
3rd March 2016, 08:15 PM
Hello, My name is Seth, and I would like to apply for the rank PW.
OldCP Username:
EST. I know you obviously need this so you know what times I would be on and stuff.
Why do I want this rank:
Because I think Mods would need help a lot, and on weekends I am usually on until like 12 or 2 AM when no Mods are usually on then. I love helping people, it feels good. Plus this would get me closer to getting actual Moderator, which I am trying to achieve.
I think I have good experience with Moderating. I have been a moderator on some Forums, CPPS's, and 2 other Virtual Worlds.
Am I helpful?
Yes. I would like to help ANYONE who asks me for it. I would always be glad to help. Most of the time, I try and help people, such as new penguins, but others beat me to it. But it isn't ALWAYS like that. I've helped a lot of people before.
Yes, everyday. I am not on the stats atm, but that is most likely because I have changed my name on OldCP.
/warn (username)
/kick (username)
Rules of Penguin Watch:
1. Never leak your identity
2. You need to know when to use your Powers
3. No Leaking
4. Must be trusted and experienced
+ more
Am I trusted?
I think I am trusted. I've never really done anything to NOT be trusted, and I have been here for a while. (No don't look at my Join Date on the Forums and be like "No you haven't" because I have.)
Thank you for reading my PW Application! I hope you all liked it and leave a comment down below.