19th December 2018, 01:03 AM
Howdy I'm Chis, I thank you for already taking interest into my application. It feels refreshing to be back and for sure I would enjoy helping out the DSGHQ if possible. Im trying to get to the point since this is suppose to be a professional so I apologize for not adding colors and images.
General Information
Username: Papachis
Age: 15 [5/16/2003]
Joined: [5/28/2014]
I will be listing all my moderation experience since any other rank is not applicable to the role im applying for.
2nd Snaildom Gom Winner and Snaildom Moderator
Oldcp Moderator
Penguin Watch Captain x 2
Temp Moderator for Cpps.Me
RCHQ Master
More about the subject
Why am I qualified for this rank?
I am one of the most qualified for this role not only because of my experiences and my sense of moral values but because I am a Bilingual person (Speaks 2 languages). I am currently taking AP English and AP Spanish as part of my classes and have proven to be very proficient at both. I have a good ability to speak both spanish and english and would not mind helping out a Spanish speaking user or even personally translate announcements into spanish. Along side my ability to speak spanish and english well Im a very know person in this community and have the ability to sympathize, empathize and talk situations out making me a hand tool to use incase anything that is not needed breaks out. The fact that I have the ability to speak 2 languages, empathize, sympathize and have a well round moderator experiences not only proves that I am a good choice but infact one of the best.
hope im being taken into consideration. Have a good rest of the day.
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