23rd December 2018

WANTED: News Reporters

Made by Abushekaus in Announcements

Como La Flor
29 posts
Seen 17th July 2022
24th December 2018, 02:22 AM

Loki wrote on 24th December 2018, 02:04 AM:
User: Loki
Experience: Free Fighter (current), North Knight, War Knight, Moth Larva, Moth Priest, World Champion, Moth Ninja, High Priest, Detective, Queen of the North
Why I'd Like to be a News Reporter: I would like to be a news reporter because I think it would be a lot of fun. When I was a detective, I enjoyed reporting on the sketchy things that were occurring on OldCp. I think it would be satisfying to to write reports that can help out the whole community by helping them catch up on what is going on in game and hopefully expanding their knowledge on some of the lore by informing more about it and how it relates to what is going on.
Why I'm Qualified: I am qualified for this position because I know pretty much everything that goes on on OldCp. I am active on OldCp. I also have a lot of experience reporting on things that are occurring (mostly cz) as I made a few reports about it on the RCHQ forums. Usually they would cover what all happened during the month but I would like to do it more regularly. I would also use screenshots to help illustrate what was occurring.
A Sample
War was declared by Milan of House Lannister on the North and the Islands of Das and Providence. Milan's forces include the following militaries: Hydra, Lannister, and Imperial.
The conflict started on Saturday when Milan decided he wanted Jenna, Top Dogg of Providence, and Queen Lee of Das to either join his house (Lannister) or he would start a war. Both rulers rejected his deal as they saw that this was a way for him to be able to exert his control over the islands by having the power to proclaim himself to be the ruler of them whenever he desired. Due to their rejection of his deal, war first broke out on Providence as Das is currently closed for IAPGMOOH.
The war on Providence has consisted of the usage primarily of IMPERIAL bots. The supreme commander of IMPERIAL has also been using airstrikes to do the fighting for him. This included using airstrikes directly on spawn so that anyone who is joining the room or just logging in would die immediately. There were numerous casualties.
War was declared on the North when one of these airstrikes killed King Pablo of the North. This fighting started Sunday night with the following message being globaled:
Then followed much fighting in the north and many more airstrikes. There were many casualties. Then the global command started getting abused and users were spammed with ridiculous globals such as the following:
Civilian casualties continue to rise and Lannister has yet to actually defeat any of the forces that they are facing in this war. Each time they try to attack and seize land, they get pushed back by countless war knights and militaries. Even users who have lost all of their armed accounts have been assisting in this war. They have been using their wooden swords to kill bots. This all goes to show the south shall not be defeated and everyone rejects Lannisters attempts at imposing their powers over everyone!

Oof sister went off, good luck and i hope you get news reporter Loki sweetie huehue lol

+1 by Loki, Tasha, Brit and Yeet

740 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th December 2018, 09:31 AM

Username: Rootss
Timezone: EST

Experience: 2x Former Knight, Former Oldcp Moderator, 2x News Reporter

Why I feel like I'd make a good News Reporter: I became a News Reporter for the first time in the early 2017. I stayed a news reporter for 9 months until I was demoted without even being informed first. I was demoted to ''make room for new News Reporters.'' I was repromoted again in early 2018 after the Dorval War and I stayed a news reporter until I resigned. The only reason why I resigned was because I was going through a difficult time emotionally and personally. It felt like everything I said or did triggered people to just lash out at me which has made me turn very aggressive within the past few months and I acknowledge that and I am sorry. Another reason why I resigned was because I lost that vibe to continue doing what I love because it seemed to me that nobody appreciate it. No one took the time to read my news reports with which I spent, at the most, 12-28 hours on. I would create the layout in advance and I would overflow the page with details and then I was told by a user ''I didn't take the time to read this and I highly doubt any of these people did either.'' which seriously burned my spark out. It broke me to hear that but I continued until my reports managed only to get around 5 views. Now, however, I can feel that spark firing up with every story I write. I admit, I may have committed treason in game only 19 days ago but that does not mean I don't deserve a chance to redeem myself here.

Why I'm qualified: I have been a news reporter twice in the past. I have the patience for waiting to gather information as I have done it 25 times before. I was the editor of the Rootbeer Times which ran its course for 1 year before people began losing interest. I can bring it back no problem.

As a News Reporter, I vow to:

- work alongside the other news reporters
- do reports only on the things that truly matter, not some silly things.
- the news section is ONLY for news reports, anything that's not a news report belongs in the other channels.

The story (there's two because I have no life and I write every night)

It was June 26th when I made my decision to escape. Do I expect to get far? No. No I do not. It’s been a year since the government has ordered me to stay in this place. I’ve had enough. This place is hell and I want out.

This place… is an abandoned facility used by the government to keep people they deem dangerous and mad separated from normal citizens. A rusted fence of barbed wire surrounds the place, but it’s not like we can get out if we tried. Army Guards fully armored walk around patrolling the halls, the outside, and the dormitories holding assault rifles in their hands, loaded and ready. If we try to make a run for it, we get deemed as kill on sight. This one kid… six years old by the look of him, he tried to get away. What they did to him was just gruesome… Tied him down and used him as a live cadaver. His screaming still haunts my dreams… However, I have a plan… and that plan will work one way or another... And if I have to die fighting for the freedom we deserve… so be it. These people won’t use us as their puppets any longer.

The second story: You know how people always tell you that you have these choices to make in your life? The ones that impact whether you live or if you die or if you simply evolve into nothingness… Sometimes those decisions can be so difficult to make, you just want to die before you reach the finish. Like you have no thing to live for anymore. This is the story of how my life turned around within the span of just a few months. With the help of those decisions.

It all started on a dreary Tuesday in November. It had been raining all night and when I woke up to scavenge for food in the trash, my hair and clothing were soaked. I looked over at the other umbrella and saw my mother curled fast asleep on a pile of old newspapers. I smiled to myself as I thought of her sleeping soundly without a care in the world about anything. You see, my mother has Alzheimer’s. It’s highly advanced. It’s so advanced, she sometimes forgets we’re homeless and that my father has been dead for twelve years. Ever since my father died and we lost our house, we’ve been living in a secluded corner of the street we used to live. The only thing closest to a shelter that we have are two umbrellas which we sleep under, blankets covering us as a doorway and a sheet of cardboard as a roof. I found some tape in a dumpster and tied a branch to the cardboard over our heads and strung string lights I stole from someone’s attic as lights. It’s not much. It’s not even pretty, but it’s our home and it’s the only thing we have left. Passersby stare and point and laugh at the hideous tent they see in front of them. ‘’Why should something so ugly be in a rich neighborhood?’’ one man once said to a chorus of giggles. They throw food at us and they make obscene gestures towards my mother, who always breaks down crying and questioning why Paul- my dad- can’t teach them a lesson to which I always have to remind her that Paul is dead and buried in the local cemetery and has been there ever since I was two years old. Breaking that news always causes her to start shaking in a renewed round of sobs and start screaming and wailing which only makes the people laugh even more. Do I like hurting my mother? No. It kills me every day, having to put her through this and if I had it in me, I’d teach those good for nothings a lesson but my mother always told me you treat everyone with respect- even if they don’t show you any.

Good luck, y'all

+1 by Jenna and Abushekaus
You'll never silence my voice, no, I won't go.

Izuno - Mal31 - SecurityGuy - Jenna

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
24th December 2018, 11:50 AM

I got a question........do I have to apply even though i'm press on oldcp.....? Let me know because I'll apply if I gotta.

+1 by Abushekaus and Joseph

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
24th December 2018, 05:42 PM

my application is my IAPGMOOH report

I think I'd be a cool news reporter tbh

541 posts
Seen 28th March 2023
24th December 2018, 05:45 PM

pickleslover wrote on 24th December 2018, 11:50 AM:
I got a question........do I have to apply even though i'm press on oldcp.....? Let me know because I'll apply if I gotta.

+1 by Sled

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