23rd November 2013, 06:55 PM
wow ok , seems I'm just getting hate mail after hate mail , I just deleted all of it and all of my notifications , Because so much hate like really? Ya I could of messaged her but I'm on. y phone and it said oops content wasn't found so sorry. wow I did something wrong whoop de do don't make a big deal about it
+1 by BoxHeadChopper, dayton, xXvioletXx and PenguinDSC, -1 by States Backup and FashionistaThePositivePrincess
contact me through discord if you need me @honey#4967
3,203 posts
Seen 20th February 2020
23rd November 2013, 07:01 PM
Hashtagfood, it isn't because of your mistake, and I am not all Whoop de do about it either, but, it's the way you put it back there. you literally had a short post saying "Funfent is disliking my post, I will send you a pic on Skype", plus, you can easily post pictures here. It is the lack of effort you put into your posts.
3,203 posts
Seen 20th February 2020
23rd November 2013, 07:05 PM
I'm on my iPad, and it is hard to type, but I manage to put detail in my posts still. All I ask is to edit your post, and put a little more detail into it. Thanks