2nd February 2019

New Strike System: OldCP Moderators

Made by Abushekaus in Announcements

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
2nd February 2019, 01:11 PM

Good idea. Moderators sometimes think that they are above the rules, but this will certainly revert that "complex of superiority". Thanks Abu.


Sweet memories

2,048 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
2nd February 2019, 04:12 PM

dwiamer1 wrote on 2nd February 2019, 10:25 AM:
Good morning from the eastern coast of the United States of America.
After multiple incidents where moderators on OldCP have failed to follow the rules that they should be enforcing themselves, I have spoken with Damen and we are bringing back a new system to deal with the situation at hand.
I will firstly credit Empress Chelsey Drake, because I was reading her old posts and in like 2015 she basically made this system.
SO, here it is: The 3 Strike System
All OldCP moderators will start with 0 strikes. Strikes aren't easy to get if you do your job right.
- Each moderator must log a certain amount of time per week (unless on vacation or temporary leave that was made aware to an admin) (Time to be discussed with mods later) (Worth 1 strike)
- Unreasonable banning/kicking is worth 1 Strike.
- Breaking rules; for example swearing. 2 Strikes. (This is worth 2 because mods are role models and shouldn't cause drama or trick the rules)
More rules may be added at a later time, but those are the basics for now
If a moderator gets 3 strikes, they will be reviewed by all 3 OldCP administrators and possibly demoted.
This shouldn't make anyone mad, because if you followed the rules it wouldn't be a problem anyways.
If you have any questions please drop a reply below, or DM me on Discord @ Abushekaus#2996
Thank you!
I remember when Moderators had to have their certain amount of time a week or if absent/on vacation logged on Roberto's spreadsheet when he was in power as EH lol that actually made every single Moderator always moderate and be online all the time to ensure there is full-time moderation on OldCP.

+1 by Abushekaus and Chandler

1,761 posts
Seen 22nd December 2022
2nd February 2019, 07:02 PM

I think this is a great idea but have some questions as well.
Would someone have to report this Mod for what they did, and how would they go about doing this if admins don’t respond to messages?

What if a Mod is reviewed and is allowed to keep their job but they become a repeat offender once again? Will they be reviewed again or will they automatically be demoted?

What if someone makes a false report on a Mod?

What if a Mod denies someone rightfully reporting them, and there are no witnesses beside the one person who reported the Mod?

I may or may not have more questions as time goes on but, keep up the great work and continue to make this community a better place!

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-More go as soon.

541 posts
Seen 28th March 2023
2nd February 2019, 08:51 PM

Key123 wrote on 2nd February 2019, 07:02 PM:
I think this is a great idea but have some questions as well.
Would someone have to report this Mod for what they did, and how would they go about doing this if admins don’t respond to messages?
What if a Mod is reviewed and is allowed to keep their job but they become a repeat offender once again? Will they be reviewed again or will they automatically be demoted?
What if someone makes a false report on a Mod?
What if a Mod denies someone rightfully reporting them, and there are no witnesses beside the one person who reported the Mod?
I may or may not have more questions as time goes on but, keep up the great work and continue to make this community a better place!

How do you know I don’t respond to messages, you have never messaged me.

The rest of your questions are what if’s, those could be infinite.

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
2nd February 2019, 09:51 PM

I remember when this was a thing when I was a mod and Roberto was an admin and I was at like two strikes and on the brink of demotion xD

+1 by sparrow and Chandler

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
3rd February 2019, 02:10 AM

Great discussion, Abu. Quick question; I have been pretty decent w/ my activity on OldCP but college started again and I also have a job on top of that, I reach close to 24/hrs a month typically, but sometimes I'm off. However, I'm obviously not going to change around my schedule for OldCP - will someone like myself, and I doubt I'm alone in this particular situation, we'll we continue to get strikes? Simply curious because I'll keep it noted in my mind to try to free of spare time whenever I can.

Thanks! :)

+1 by Abushekaus and Chandler
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541 posts
Seen 28th March 2023
3rd February 2019, 09:43 AM

sarabareille wrote on 3rd February 2019, 02:10 AM:
Great discussion, Abu. Quick question; I have been pretty decent w/ my activity on OldCP but college started again and I also have a job on top of that, I reach close to 24/hrs a month typically, but sometimes I'm off. However, I'm obviously not going to change around my schedule for OldCP - will someone like myself, and I doubt I'm alone in this particular situation, we'll we continue to get strikes? Simply curious because I'll keep it noted in my mind to try to free of spare time whenever I can.
With these circumstances it’d probably be best to leave the moderation spot open for someone else.

+1 by Chandler

what’re you lookin at
249 posts
Seen 17th July 2024
3rd February 2019, 04:40 PM

Sounds good. I’m a little glad you made this because I’ve had to moderate the server while some moderators don’t do anything.

+1 by Abushekaus and Loki

394 posts
Seen 21st February 2022
4th February 2019, 08:01 AM

BeanOffical wrote on 2nd February 2019, 10:36 AM:
What if a mod ignores someone being harassed and when they ask for help the mod refuses to because it's their friend but instead jumps in with the harassers?

This sound oh so familiar


Rap Diablo
3,463 posts
Seen 30th September 2022
4th February 2019, 12:07 PM

East coast? Pop out to NJ and come see me.

+1 by Abushekaus

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
4th February 2019, 07:27 PM

Key123 wrote on 2nd February 2019, 07:02 PM:
What if a Mod denies someone rightfully reporting them, and there are no witnesses beside the one person who reported the Mod?
As long as the person reporting can give a correct date, time, and place it can be looked up on cinema, or in the case that it happens in DMs, screenshot proof

+1 by Loki

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