3rd March 2019

Forums Moderator Application

Made by CoffeeCow in Applications

838 posts
Seen 7th July 2023
3rd March 2019, 10:46 PM

Forums Moderator Application

Username: CoffeeCow
Age: 18
Current Role(s): Knight Captain and News Reporter
Timezone: CST
Contact (Discord): lucan#2119

- Damenspike Rookie
- Damenspike Member
- Damenspike Master
- Forum Moderator

- Imperial Knight
- Party Guard
- Moderator
- War Knight
- Penguin Watch Captain
- Emperor Helper
- Empress
- North Knight
- Knight Captain

To begin with, I have been an active on-off member of the Damenspike Games HQ community since the late months of 2014. After years of gaining experience through earning from the lowest to highest ranks, I believe that I am more than qualified to earn this title again. My intention of returning to the community was to practically share my side of the story to others. Hopefully, I could inspire others to make this their home too, as it once did for me.
I could have chosen any other rank, but this. However, I enjoy this platform of the community way too much. In fact, I dedicate my time on here than on the game itself. Since I already set my love for it, why not give it a shot at this position?
As some of you may know, I was a moderator years ago. In fact, I have been a forums moderator during the same time I was a moderator in-game. I admit, I enjoyed it very much. However, with the busy schedules from school and extracurricular activities, only so much can be done with my hands. Therefore, I am more than motivated and passionate about working with this specific title, if chosen.
Last, but not least, I have more than enough skills that this position could require. In my previous application, I have mentioned that I am able to speak three, different languages. This could be useful when answering/helping other people. With the experience from this position and from the community as a whole, I am sure and willing to fulfill the title of assisting users with almost anything. In other words, I do not need to be trained. I believe that I am mostly a kind-hearted, patient and responsible person inside and out. I will be sure to apply the skills that I have set and promised since the beginning into this rank.

Thank you for not only giving me but to others the opportunity to apply for this wonderful position.

+1 by Sled, Isa, lush, lylance and 7 others

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
3rd March 2019, 10:47 PM

very lovely application dear

+1 by amsel

3,733 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
3rd March 2019, 10:52 PM

DAYUM, this threw mine in the dirt. Nice one, ill get you next time.

+1 by amsel

541 posts
Seen 28th March 2023
3rd March 2019, 11:08 PM

Great application as usual. I’ll let you know more info soon.

+1 by amsel

940 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
4th March 2019, 09:19 AM

Awesome application, Lou! Very organized and gets to the point.

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