30th March 2019
iOldCP News March 28-29, 2019
30th March 2019, 12:08 PM
Hello Readers! Welcome to another report of This Just in With Jenna! Lots of cz attacks have been happening recently on iOldCP! Here are a few events that have happened from the last two days!
Battle of Prov Part 1
At around 5:40 pm EDT, iBlue, lock, Mance, TheWitchKing, and The Banshee all attacked each other!
Soon after, a user named 'Death' showed up with black magic and joined in on the battle!
Attack at the shipyard
Later in the evening, 'Grim Reaper' showed up and caused a big commotion!
'The Banshee' also appeared again and attacked quite a few users!
Battle of Prov Part 2
'ManceBRUTE' killed 'Elendur'!
The original form of Sauron, who's apparently called 'Gangish' appeared and tried to kill 'Lord'
Later, 'Gangish' was slain by 'ManceBRUTE' in a deadly battle!
Porttoben Execution!
'Lord' executed 'The Banshee' to the "Land of the Dead"!
Day 3 of War began with a poisonous start! At around 4:53 pm EDT, 'ManceBRUTE' became a victim of the poisonous bombs thrown by 'ShadowBomber'!
At around 5:33 pm EDT, 'ManceBRUTE' came back with a bang and killed 'Aaron', 'Eredin', 'Meredith', and 'Rosie'!
Later, a 'ShadowPirate' appeared with a message! He said that the ShadowPirate's are returning and looking for new recruits!
'ShadowBomber' came back and started throwing poison bombs again! He infected iBlue and Alatar!
The whole ShadowPirate crew came and started attacking everyone! They killed 'Oreos' and 'Lockviii'! Luckily, 'ManceBRUTE', 'Tom080', and 'Lockviii' (before he died) were able to kill quite a few crew members, before the ShadowPirates were able to kill more users!
After the attacks, a new Pirate crew sailed to the South! They are a good crew and only intend to defeat the ShadowPirate clan! Unfortunately, this crew is not looking for new members.
Fortunately, Mike and I were able to snag a few questions out of 'Gyvor' and 'James Artano'! Below is a transcript of both of the interviews
Jenna: What are you and your crews intentions?
James Artano: To help take out any evil pirates.
J: How long do you think you'll be here for?
JA: A week at most, mate.
J: What are your intentions as captain?
JA: To lead me crew to destroyin anyone evil. I hope to destroy the shadow crew!
J: Do you know where the shadow crew came from?
JA: Nay
Mikee: Tell me a bit about your captain.
Gyvor: My capn be the greatest leader, he be fierce. He found me one day, stranded at sea, and he raised me. He took me in as his own. I became his first mate, and I'll soon own his crew, one day.
M: What are the names of your crew members? (Besides you and James)
G: Annebony, Malike, and Samson are the other members.
M: When did you first come into contact with the shadow pirates?
G: On Providence Island. We lived there about 2 or 3 years ago, and then they raided our home. They plundered it, but capn Artano got revenge by capturin one of their leaders and killed him. We shot quite a few of their men. The Shadowpirates be a well-known tale. Some have special magic...
• Orlock hosted a session and removed no-death from Gods and everyone else who had it. With that, he gave all those users OP Health, so they can eventually die, but also be superior to most.
• People who don’t fight (Press) are allowed to keep no-death because Press need to report about cz events while also being in the room and gathering pictures.
• Gods are vulnerable to attackers.
• The lore is now changed so it follows the OldCP stuff. Eru is the true creator and Melkor is the true evil god. But, Melkor is dead, however, KEPP is now the protector of earth.
• iOldCP's first Warlord tournament is today at 5:00 pm EDT! Details are on this post: https://forums.damenspike.com/view/56407
At around 10:29 am EDT today, Orlock decided to play around with jail. A UFO hit plenty of times without anyone being injured or dying.
Shoutout to Oreos, Mike, and Mance for quite a few screenshots that were used in this report!
Live Fast Die Young
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Seen 22nd January 2020