9th April 2019

Game Host Application

Made by Jake01 in Applications

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
9th April 2019, 06:57 PM

Username: Jake01
Time zone: GMT
OldCP Rank: N/A
Discord: Jake01 #0112

How do you reach game host requirements?

- I’ve been active around the forums for exactly or just over 3 months now, I look around at moods, discussions and reply to what suits my interests. I have been (sporadically) appearing on OldCP, this is because of the meteoric downfall in activity in general on OldCP - Which gave me no point in logging on, because I’d be the only user online. However, I believe that with the return of this rank, we shall see OldCP rise in activity. I strongly believe I can guide us all in this process.

- I’ve had no issues with Damen or anyone in the community for as long as I can remember, yet alone 3 months. Damen himself has told me that I am very welcome to this community (Refer to my “Thoughts on Me?” discussion if you wanna go into specifics)

- I can come online for 5 hours or more in a week, easily. However, this will be done through Puffin and occasionally on my laptop, because I’ve found my iPad to be more comfortable and convenient to use in comparison to my laptop - Which is kind of buggy if you asked me.

- Being the imaginative, often outside-the-box person I am known to be, I could confidently host 2 games per week. I’m buzzing with ideas!

- Party poopers are a waste of time and good fun, so let’s not waste our fun time on changing their pooped up nappies and let’s keep them out the equation when it comes to my games!


I’ve had bits and bobs of experience when it comes to the entertainment sector of OldCP, if you would allow me to call it such. My brother (Maysie07) used to be a Royal Jester, and I’ve learnt some stuff from him. However, I do remember co-directing a skit with Damen back in circa 2015 to do with IndigoPalace being driven up the walls by her crazy children, all of which had their own personalities. When I was a News Reporter, making issues of “The Pookie Standard”, I had a little “tabloid” column called “Peter’s Life”. Peter’s Life was a skit involving a few characters, the main one being Peter; Peter would often experience wacky adventures and would always have the reader in creases!

Some other experience includes: News Reporter, Snaildom Beta Tester, Forums Master, OldCP Builder (a very rare rank, one only me and one other person retrieved!) and GOM Finalist with the Freehawks on 3 occasions (I believe 2 of those occasions resulted with a teammate of mine winning the competition.)

Thank you for reading this application and I hope you do take in mind my certain flairs, traits and other qualities that I believe tailor to the every need a Game Host has to offer!

- Jake01

+1 by Lloyd, Cristal, Alea, Tommo and 1 other

941 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
10th April 2019, 12:24 PM

Good luck Jake

+1 by Jake01

Also known as Chezpin
18 posts
Seen 5th June 2020
10th April 2019, 12:30 PM

Good luck, m8

+1 by Jake01
Find me on OLDCP: @Chezpin

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
10th April 2019, 01:06 PM

Thanks lads!
Tommo me old mate :D

+1 by Tommo

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