21st April 2019, 04:35 PM
Hello there. I'm not necessarily new here; you might (most likely) not know who I am because I literally found this a few days ago again. I used to be on this forum around 2014 - 2015 I believe. I forgot my original user, but if anyone has seen an old (old-ish? idk) user with a profile pic that has clownfish on it in an aquarium, that's me. It's been around 4 or 5 years, don't judge lol.
I'll try to not leave for like 5 years then come back again.
I'll try to not leave for like 5 years then come back again.
I used to be here in like 2015, I think. If anyone has seen someone with a profile picture that has clownfish/nemo fish in an aquarium, please notify me. I want to see my old account again.