25th November 2013, 07:19 PM
Hey guys. I've noticed a lot of you are thinking that your life is bad. Well, no ones life is bad. It depends on how you take life. You have to think the good sides of it. You have to take advantage of the fact that life was given to you. it dosnt last forever so make it useful. You need to be wise of your choices. If you choose to make your life bad then that's your fault. But if you choose to make the best of life than your a dreamer! By dreamer I mean someone who thinks of things in a good way. Who believes in what life is. So I think you shouldn't complain but make the best of it. Remember, other people might be in a worst state than you. Live life to the fullest. Remember, you can always change. Think of life in a good way. You only get one life. So make it useful. Dream on as if life never ends!
Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are
2,580 posts
Seen 11th November 2019
25th November 2013, 07:21 PM
nice post................... sorry about all the periods it says comment not long enough...