6th November 2019

Book closed. The End.

Made by Quit in Introductions and Leaving

70 posts
Seen 7th January 2020
6th November 2019, 05:17 PM


I was considering leaving a while ago, and I'm still un-sure now.
However it is clear that I am ruining OldCP for some and I would rather quit than ruin their experience.
I apologise to anyone I offended.
I apologise to Nate for accidentally biting him, I apologise to Adawg for whatever I did to offend him in the trial and I apologise to Arona for attacking her.
I wish you all the best of luck in the DSGHQ community, and if you're wondering this is a 'quitting' post of sorts, however I'm un-sure whether it is to be permanent.
Perhaps a time will come where my mistakes are forgotten and people can forgive my sins.
It is clear that I cannot try to fix my life on a whole, as hard as I might pray and as hard as I might try to block things out.
It appears that only taunts haunt me still, and I cannot escape them after running a thousand miles. I'm ending everything.

Thank you.

+1 by iblue and izuno

70 posts
Seen 7th January 2020
6th November 2019, 05:23 PM


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