25th November 2019
Game of Mods: Total Summary
Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th November 2019, 12:45 AM
Game of Mods
Stage 1
Stage 1, Game of Mods. The turn out was low with only one team (team Negus) showing up at first, but as they say, the show must go on! So with that, Task 1 began.Task 1: Make your own trailer for a film. Performances are in 10 minutes.
Performances took place in jr anonymous as usual.
- Team Negus: Team Negus created a trailer for a movie about a family of fruits where they eventually turned from being grapes into oranges and apples.
- Team Kace: Team Kace, which consisted of being just Kace for the day, did a trailer for a Shrek 5 movie. It was an interesting performance as the whole trailer was done by Kace on his main and his alt.
- Team Peaches: Team Peaches consisted of Pic and Joseph. They decided to do theirs on the story of Adam and Eve. Rouge (the winner of the previous GOM) temporarily played the part of an apple tree.
Task 2: Take at least 1 mod out on a tour of OldCp. The best tour wins.
Task 3: Tell Damen a funny story. The best story wins. Each of you have 2 minutes.
- Sled's Story: There once was a Jester who ate a banana and the jester the the banana peel on the ground and then Frogs came along and he tried to kill the jester, BUT HE SLIPPED ON THE BANANA PEEL!! HAHAHAHHAA!!
- Team Kace: Once upon a time, Damen was ending a session and heading to the private chambers. There, he saw frogs, with five dead mods at his feet. He pointed his sword at Damen and then Damen pulled out his blade. Frogs was troubled by the giant size of the blade but Frogs kept going. Damen attacked first, as he stabbed frogs' foot. Frogs wailed in agony as he stabbed back but missed. Frogs was ashamed of his failure and tried again but Damen ended him.
- Team Negus: Once upon a time, when I was very little, I invited my friend over to sing Cher Lyod by Cher Lyod. We were recording a video when all of a sudden, my mom burst through the door and yelled "WHO TOOK A POOP IN THE TOILED". I then said "IT WASNT ME". But I knew it was my friend and then my mom said "WELL IT WAS ONE OF YAS. DISGUSTING." And then I grew up to become Bill Gates. The End.
- Team Frogs: Once there was a boy called Frogs. HE was peeing in the toilet (at hte mall). Then he heard a goblin hoise. He freaked out. He quickly stood up AND THEN THE LEGION ENTERED THROUGH THE DOOR AND SEES FROGS NAKED. Frogs cries. He said "PLZ dont hurt me!" Then Legion said "SERVE PYTHOR". "I AGREE" THEN HE GIVES ME DFB POWERS AND TELLS ME THAT PYTHOR IS IN THE ROCK AT NOVALIGHTS AND TO NOT CURSE IT OR PYTHOR WOULD DIE. The End.
The winner of this task was TEAM KACE!
And thus ended Stage 1 of Game of Mods. It was shortened up due to there being so few people online for it.
Stage 2
A few more people showed up for Stage 2 of Game of Mods. This time there were two distinctive teams, Team Negus and Team Noble. Frogs tried to take over team Noble and make it Team Evils but failed. Team Noble was lead by Milkshake. Damen announced that he was going to change the format of GOM due to the lack of users and that there would only be three tasks this day.
Task 1: Take a mod out on a date with someone in your team. The best romance wins!
Task 2: Run a school.
Damen gave each team about 2 minutes before going around to inspect each school. At Team Negus' school, he came and yelled that the students were failing their classes. The teacher tried to argue that they were not doing bad in their classes. Damen shouted that they should all be ashamed and spanked someone before moving on to the classroom of Team Nobles.
At Team Noble's school, Damen gave someone detention and violently threw them. He also mentioned that Frogs is a Fool! The school children were going wild and started a food fight! Despite all the chaos going on, Team Nobles won this task!
Task 3: Tell a scary story by the campfire.
This task was rather unfair as it was being judged by Fable rather than Damen.
Team Nobles: Team Nobles told a scary story about Frogs and his murderous ways. Frogs seems to be a running joke in this Game of Mods...
Team Negus: Team Negus didn't even get a good start on their story before being eliminated just for mentioning rabies. Sadly the judge is biased against the mention rabies and didn't even let them finish their first sentence.
Task 3 Winner: Team Nobles!
Task 4: Hide and Seek
Task 4 Winner: Team Negus!
Task 5: Create a dance routine. Performances are in 10 minutes.
- Team Negus: Team Negus had a very nice and heart warming dance routine. They each stood in the same spots during it and eventually they all used the heart emote!
- Team Noble: Team Noble's routine was a bit more intricate than Team Negus' routine. Each member changed where they were standing and they ended by spelling out their team's name.
And thus ended Stage 2 of Game of Mods.
Stage 3
Stage 3 Game of Mods, the final day, the day that would determine the winning team and the winning user. Who would be this season's winner? Time will tell...
Task 1: Run the Dance Club.
Both teams worked on running the Dance Club. Alea, leader of Team Negus, helped to run the Dance Club by flirting with Damen and telling him how fine he looks tonight.
Team Noble tried to compete with Alea's flirting by offering Damen fanta soda.
But would it be enough to get team Nobles to win the task? Apparently not...
This allowed Team Negus to win this Stage of Game of Mods as well as the overall Game of Mods!
Then everyone went back to jr office and the finalist interviews were held. As what it has been for the past few Games of Mods, everyone was considered to be a finalist and was interviewed in front of everyone. This time, moderators were allowed to ask the finalists questions.
After the interviews, everyone went to the pizza parlor for the last task, which as usual, is to run the pizza parlor. But this was not our usual pizza parlor running task. Damen did not assign anyone to be any particular roles, which did not hint at who might be OldCp's newest moderator. He also did not global any random happenings as he had in the past. Overall, this part was very different from usual and seemed somewhat sad.
After running the pizza parlor, everyone was once again called to return to office so that the winner of this season's Game of Mods could be announced. This years winner was....
Please check out Joseph's Stage 3 summary of GOM. I only created this as a record of all three days as no one else has made a report on them.
5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
25th November 2019, 02:17 AM
Hurrah, congratulations to HamilHelp! She surely deserves this position, and she will for sure go very far with this rank.
I can't help but notice the amount of users online during this GOM, it isn't that many... shocking! It would be awesome to see 100+ users attend GOM again, filling up the ENTIRE office including under the 'judges' penguin flippers. Buuuut, regardless, it is great to see people showed up.
I can't help but notice the amount of users online during this GOM, it isn't that many... shocking! It would be awesome to see 100+ users attend GOM again, filling up the ENTIRE office including under the 'judges' penguin flippers. Buuuut, regardless, it is great to see people showed up.
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