26th November 2013

New User~icicles

Made by icicles in Introductions and Leaving

42 posts
26th November 2013, 07:45 PM

Hi,I'm new to OldCp.I was just interested in the older Club Penguin and just found this!So,I'd like to say I'm icicles and I'd like a full explanation of OldCp.I look forward to meeting you all!

+1 by tennis, Dice, Scott, Abby and 1 other
~icicles (New user)I already have my own book!

The Great
3,983 posts
Seen 10th September 2020
26th November 2013, 07:50 PM

welcomme!!!! im tennis, i can help you with anything, find me on forums xat or in game to help! to get started edit your profile and say /addall in game

286 posts
Seen 3rd February 2022
26th November 2013, 07:52 PM

Hello Icicle.
Oldcp is a cpps similiar to regular cp but just oldcp.
Now If you want to learn the rules, click tutorial or read this post.
Well Here I go!

Oldcp Tutorial:
Never Spam
Never ask for credits
Never cuss
Never swear
Don't ask for mod/admin
Don't curse
Don't bully
Don't abuse mod or admin powers
Don't disobey staff
Don't lie
Don't be rude, disrespectful, mean, etc
Don't have a inappropiate name.
Don't pretend to be a mod Example: NameGlow

Thats all you Need to know!
Cya around Icicle.

Your Friend,

Waddle On Mr. Icicle

+1 by tennis

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th November 2013, 07:55 PM

Hello, Icicle! I am Dice. Here are the rules made by the creator of OldCP, Damen:
As this is a direct attachment to the OldCP Remake, it requires certain rules to be obeyed.
Here's a general list of the oldcp environment rules:

OldCP General Rules
- Do not use bad language.
- Do not spam.
- Respect everyone including staff members.
- Obey the judgement of staff members.
- Do not bully others.
- Do not try to trick the rules.
- Do not threat staff or members.

As this is a forum and not a chat room or game, there are some extra additions to the rules when you are on this community board.

OldCP Forum Rules
- Do not spam.
- Do not double post.
- Do not make posts containing less than two words.
- Do not make pointless posts constantly on a single thread like 'Alright thanks, your welcome' etc...
- Do not try to use 3rd party methods to use this website.
- Do not use more than one account at once, you may make a new account but use only one of them. You may switch whenever you want.
- Do not use foul language in signatures, moods, about me, nicknames, posts, discussions etc...
- Do not hate toblerone or anyone else, e.g. don't make hate discussions against others.

Thank you, remember to follow these rules!

See also:
General Forum Rules:

-Do not make any spam topics(e.g. Want to come online? or GIVE ME MOD).
-Don't entice other users into flaming you when you flame them. It makes you both as bad as each other.
-NO swearing, cussing, or cursing. There's kids on here!
-Have fun! What's the point on being here if you aren't having fun?
-No advertising in the forum, game, or chat(except for appropriate YouTube links).
-Double posting is okay, but triple posting isn't. So don't triple post(e.g. making 3 posts in a row without someone else posting).
-Do not make topics about other members in a negative way.

Game Rules:

-Don't swear, cuss, or curse.
-Listen to the staff members.
-Respect all of the staff member(s)' actions.
-Don't flame or spam.
-Have fun.
-Don't let other people bother you. Simply report/ignore them!
-NO bullying.
-Do not beg the staff members for higher ranks as this makes it harder for staff to do their job.
-Never threaten to hack anyone. You will be banned from that point onward.

Chat Rules:

-No spamming, cursing, cussing, swearing, or flaming.
-No making sentences that will offend other people.
-Do not ask "Which moderator is better?", as you will then get a warning for the first two offenses, then a kick for the third. Keep doing this after three offenses and it's a ban depending on a time span between 1 hour and forever, most likely between 1 hour and 24 hours(1 day).
-NEVER be racist. This goes for the game rules and the forum rules as well.
-No pretending to be a moderator on the chat, game, or forum.
-No requesting to be banned just because you want to. You will be kicked for the first two offenses, then an actual ban in the third offense.

These are all the rules. Staff members, you can edit this topic if you please. Failure to follow the rules above will result in a kick/ban. Hope you enjoy your stay in OldCP!

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
26th November 2013, 08:01 PM

Hello there :D here is a post i made a while ago this will show the ranks and other things. And welcome to OldCp, here it is.
Hello everyone, if you are new welcome to OldCp a fun and active online game. If you are new and reading this you must know what forums are. Forums, are a fun post group. Where you can earn ranks. I will list all the information down below including the rules ranks and how to earn a higher rank. This may be also help full for normal users also. Lets get started :D.

Forum Rules-There is many different rules here on forums that you shall follow.

1.Don't spam.

2.Don't even try tricking the rules.

3.Don't make short posts with less then two words.

4.Do make long and understanding posts "to earn rep"

5.Don't use bad language in any posts moods or on your profile.

6.Do be helpful.

In game rules- There is a ton, you have to follow.

1.Don't cuss.

2.Don't spam.

3.Don't scam.

4.Respect everyone.

5.Obey the staff ( mods and admins)

6.Don't bully others.

7.Once again do not trick the rules.

8.Don't back talk or threat staff or users.

Ranks on forums.


-Rookie (all start out as rookie)


-News Reporter


-Moderator (light blue)


In game ranks.

-Member (everyone is a member when they start btw)



( Also there is other small groups such as detectives) They have orange NG (Name-color)

Things to know- If you run into a problem report them to a mod or admin they are on the walls :D i am now a demoted mod "but i will earn it back".

Now i will tell you what the ranks mean.

Banned- This mean you have done something bad so a forum moderator has banned you or a user. Being banned means you cant write posts and you are limited of many things.

Rookie- Everyone starts off as a rookie, rookie means you just joined and you are starting and working towards member rookies can make posts and moods and edit there profile.

Member- Member is a step up from rookie, this means when you make 50 posts you will get 100 credits :D credits are a type of "money" in the game you can by things such as extras with them.

News Reporter- You post the daily news that is going around OldCp, such as robbing's and maybe even everyday news.

Master- Master means you are now trusted by mods and admins. This is a step up from news reporter and one more till a moderator. You have to follow all the rules and be a role model.

Moderator- This means you are highly trusted and you can lock posts and delete posts and even change users passwords when they need a password change. You can also ban users.

Administrator- You are at the top of the chart. You can global and groom in game global means it goes to every room once you say your global message. Groom means it only stays in the one room. Admins are very highly trusted and they also keep the cpps safe.

I hope you enjoy your stay here at OldCp, any other questions please comment down below or even check out my great friends May23 a in game moderators post it is in the tab that says forum rules. You can also check out the tab that says rules. Made by the owner Damen he is a amazing guy he made this cpps and he works hard everyday he is only 15 and he is nowin the makings of making a new game that will come out soon.

I hope this helped, and best wishes ~Sadie :D

Here is the mod list and admin list for in game.

Here is the forum mod and admin list. [/quote

Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
26th November 2013, 08:09 PM

Yep to get all clothing items say


Inside of the OldCP Game.

When ever you need help, I will do a step-by-step instruction below!!!

Click where the red arrow is pointing.

Click "New Image", also where the red arrow is pointing.

Write what the picture above says to write.

Continue writing what the picture above says.
When it says (write what you need help with here) just write what you need help with in the biggest box that the picture shows. It's also the box with the most text written inside.

The red arrow points to the word "Send" so click "Send"

Then every day click:

1,175 posts
Seen 6th March 2016
26th November 2013, 10:11 PM

Welcome to Oldcp enjoy your stay here :D

Moderator of Forum.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Best Friends. Damen,Frozo,Sadie,Kara,May,PenguinDSC,CPManiac,Key123,Frogs,Tacofun,
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else

840 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
26th November 2013, 10:16 PM

Welcome to OldCP! Be sure to ask us for help! :).

1,248 posts
Seen 27th June 2022
26th November 2013, 10:21 PM

Welcome to OldCp!!:) You can access info about the site and rules up above on the "Rules" button and "Tutorial" button. If you have any other question, you can ask me or one of our friendly, helpful, mods. :)

Beautiful signatures made by the amazing Tasha v

This one's made by the incredible Sparklz

42 posts
27th November 2013, 01:31 AM

Thank you for the help everyone!I'll cya around the island.

~icicles (New user)I already have my own book!

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