7th January 2020

Unfortunate Goodbye

Made by Abushekaus in Announcements

541 posts
Seen 28th March 2023
7th January 2020, 06:49 AM

I’m very disappointed in myself and my current state but I need to let you all know what’s going on.

Today, in the real world not DSGHQ, something was brought to my attention that I didn’t think was a problem but really is. I have an alcohol problem and it’s bad enough to where my peers and leaders have noticed and are trying to get me help.

I really hate making this post, I really don’t want to step down at all but it’s only right. Years ago, Damen made his “Commander’s intent” and it read no MODERATOR or ADMINISTRATOR will abuse any sort of drug or alcohol nor allow it to affect their status on DSGHQ. I’ve definitely let it affect some of my decision making and that’s not appropriate for this community.

I’m Not asking for your pity or anything but I’m hoping that you can accept the Abu you knew and appreciated, or if you didn’t appreciate me I hope you can at least remember a good thing about me. I don’t want you to remember me as an alcoholic but a friend or peer.

I really appreciate everyone here, so much. I’ve made many great friends and DSGHQ will have a place in my heart forever.

I just want to make two thank you’s here and now. First off, the FEDS, you know who you boys are and I definitely am staying in direct contact with you lot because I bet you will all flame me for this post and I expect nothing less. You are the boys!

Second, Damen of course. Who doesn’t add him in this type of post? But honestly he is one hell of a friend of mine and we’ve been very close for awhile. Thank you for letting me work with you and not treating me like a co worker but like a brother. I love you man, no homo. I appreciate you letting me take the glory for a few days as Emperor Regent, I really wanted to start a crazy war or something but here we are lol. We will stay in contact for a long time I hope, you are a great mentor and I really admire you.

This isn’t a quitting post, I’m sure I’ll be around here and there, but I can’t stay as an Administrator. I hope you understand.

Again, thank you guys so much! What a great ride it’s been and I love each and every one of you. Besides Jenna.

Kidding kidding.

Fair winds and following seas!


+1 by jackie, rami, Scott, Frogs and 39 others

1,817 posts
Seen 3rd January 2021
7th January 2020, 07:05 AM

Sad to see you go man. Good luck

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
7th January 2020, 07:08 AM

I'm not going to lie, you're an amazing person. Very charasmatic, understanding, and very down to Earth.

Your time here will always be appreciated. You're an amazing administrator, but an even more amazing person. Seriously.

I really wish you the best, always! :)

+1 by zoe and Augustine
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

679 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th January 2020, 07:26 AM

You were a great admin, sad to see you leave.


2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th January 2020, 07:32 AM

Thanks for helping the DSGHQ thrive. Hope you can come back and take on that alcohol issue!

+1 by Scott

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
7th January 2020, 09:09 AM

i love u lord ren you are one of the greats, hope everything gets better for you.

-lady ren

+1 by Romeo

Live Fast Die Young
1,776 posts
Seen 22nd January 2020
7th January 2020, 09:37 AM

We weren't friends, before but this year I saw a different side to you no mask covering you up, we eventually accpet we must come out of that phase where we hide ourselves in our own little box or world, I remember I did that for a long time. But I too realised, we all must take a step back and realise the only greatest thing you can do is look after the great people of the DSGHQ. I thank you, for all you've done. I'm genuinely saying, you was the only one I had left but you'll always be someone I'll call a friend. We had our ups and downs, but we are family. Because the truth is, we've all destroyed ourselves in ways nobody can imagine and then we come back to our normal self after a while. I hope to see you return Abu. You'll be hailed as a War Hero, for your status in the current war, Private First Class. It was good knowing you for these years at least.

+1 by Sled and Jdutr
Live Fast Die Young

Rap Diablo
3,463 posts
Seen 30th September 2022
7th January 2020, 11:33 AM

Being away from home and being in the armed forces is tough Abu, but I'm glad that you are seeing that abusing alcohol for your problems is wrong and unhealthy. I really hope you get the help you need because you're a great person and a strong-minded man.

I will be praying for your well-being and hope that you become sober very soon.

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
7th January 2020, 01:58 PM

Aw Abu. You were an excellent admin and you will stay in our memories as that. I hope everything gets better for you.


Sweet memories

CEO of Lorefiix
2,037 posts
Seen 27th September 2024
7th January 2020, 02:11 PM

Abu we may have not spoke. but im happy that you're trying to fix your personal problems. You can do this. We're all proud of the decision you have made.

Lol and fart

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
7th January 2020, 03:06 PM

Hopefully things will be okay Abu and it happens to the best of us. It’s not something you should be ashamed about, yes it happened but the important thing is now is that you’re trying to fix it and help yourself and people around you so don’t be so hard on yourself. Addiction isn’t a crime and it will never make you a terrible person. You’ve done a lot for the community and anyone who says otherwise hasn’t been here long enough to see your impact. Good luck on everything legend !

+1 by Romeo

Still Mink
1,163 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
7th January 2020, 04:02 PM

Good luck man, you've been a great admin but most importantly a great friend. I wish you nothing but the best on your journey of recovering from your addiction. You have a long life to lead. Once again, good luck.

Former Moderator
433 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
7th January 2020, 04:57 PM

good luck bestie <3

please snap me more or im gonna scream okay thank u


2,542 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
7th January 2020, 10:24 PM

i love you if i get drafted for iran i hope ur my general

+1 by door and Sled

1,137 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
7th January 2020, 11:19 PM

hope you get better man

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