19th March 2020

[P1] || Always and Forever

Made by Scott in Announcements

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
19th March 2020, 09:20 PM

G'evening DSGHQ,

Today I will be writing a discussion I never planned on writing, and unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from OldCP. I Sadie officially resign from my rank as Senior Captain of the Penguin Watch. I am officially moving on from OldCP, and it has been a genuine journey, to say the least, a journey I am proud of.

Since the day I joined OldCP, I have been honored to earn and accept a variety of ranks. Growing up on OldCP taught me a lot, and to be completely honest it turned me into someone I never thought I would become. Yes, I do believe OldCP in a sense transformed my life, in a good way. I have been on OldCP for eight years, that's crazy! This community has taken up a great portion of my life, my upbringing, you name it. I do not regret joining this community, but I will be discouraged to leave.

The Penguin Watch was established on March 11th, 2014. I can easily recall this day, it was a day I realized my love for the rank. The rank inspired me, although at the time the Penguin Watch really wasn't like it is today. Since that initial adrenaline rush, I have received the privilege to lead the Penguin Watch. Although at the time of my promotion to Captain, it was technically a "demotion" - it turned into something I could have never envisioned. As the years went on I began to take control of the Penguin Watch, and to be completely honest it became my life on OldCP. The day Damen offered me Senior Captain was a day I will never forget, I accepted that offer willingly and probably faster than any rank before that. I took the rank and constructed it the way I desired. I wanted to create a judgment-free zone on OldCP, and the Penguin Watch took on that idea.

Re-constructing the Penguin Watch was honestly the best thing I ever did on OldCP. Promoting people was a fabulous feeling, but to be completely honest with all of you - watching people grow and prosper was better. I loved to watch people start as a Penguin Watch, earn Captain, and then eventually earn Moderator or another high rank on OldCP. This was like a drug to me, and it was addicting. Although I am thankful to have been able to experience a variety of ranks, no rank matched the satisfaction of being Senior Captain. I am beyond thankful for every single Penguin Watch & Captain, each time we gained a new member it was always a good feeling. The Penguin Watch became more than just a rank, it was a family and it still is. We'll get back to the Penguin Watch again soon...

Before I continue to discuss the Penguin Watch and the future plans, I would like to summarise my time here on OldCP. Upon joining OldCP I obtained Moderator relatively fast. I was first recommended by a staff member (at that time) named Tornado. Since then I've continuously stayed on the staff team, therefore, I would like to give a major thank you to Tornado. Not going to lie, I ran into some ridiculous problems sometimes for myself - I wasn't always "good". I've learned a lot by being here, I learned a lot about diversity and respecting people based on their differences. I couldn't imagine where I would be without joining OldCP, in a sense, this is the place that made me who I am today as I have said plenty of times before.

I have had a joy contributing to the following ranks: Moderator, Penguin Watch/Captain/Senior Captain, Detective, War Knight, Imperial Knight, Banker, President, Administrator, etc... Each rank has allowed me to have insight into how diverse OldCP really is. You have people who absolutely love the Crime Zone and people who absolutely love to moderate the community. The diversity amazes me in so many ways. I find it so fascinating how many people come on here. We have artists, writers, musicians, you name it - all in one single community. This community and OldCP has been special to me for years. Essentially I grew up here, I've matured. When I joined I was roughly 12 or 13 years old... I'm now an adult! But like all things overtime they simply become dated.

Damen once told me the following quote back when I was contemplating quitting, it really stuck with me... "when you no longer love the game, then it is time to leave". Year after year I didn't leave although I contemplated it, over and over I stayed. Finally, it hit me. That exact quote hit me. I continuously told myself that the users were the people who inspired me to stay, and it is very much true and still is. All of you are extremely amazing people, and I cherish all of the memories and conversations I have had with all of you. Sadly, I now realize something. I love the users, not the game. Although there will always be a spot for OldCP in my heart, I just don't love it the way I use to. So alas' Damen's quote finally makes sense to me in the way it was intended to.

Honestly, this discussion will likely ramble on a lot, and to be blunt it will likely have little structure or organization. As I write this discussion, it simply comes from the heart. It is what I feel current. I would like to thank the people that have helped me along the way too. People like Sunwolf, IceeSofie, Tornado, Damen, and so many more - these are the people who helped me right when I joined (and a little afterward), and I appreciate that so much. Sunwolf was the first Moderator who helped me. I recall the reason I went to her, I didn't know how to wear [2] head items! She explained it to me, and we became good friends afterward. That is one of the many memories I will continue to hold on to.

Throughout my time on OldCP have made some amazing friends, friends I am genuinely close with and trust more than anything. These are the people I have been able to be 100% myself around, and these are the people who I will always trust, respect, and love too. The following individuals are those who impacted me on a level outside of here...
  • Amanda (Nepeta): Honestly, Amanda was my first best friend on here. Since the day we began talking on a day-to-day basis I knew instantly that she was literally my "platonic soulmate". Amanda is funny, smart, and the best friend I could have ever asked for. If I were to create a best friend for myself, she would be exactly what I would create. Although we don't always get along, I can always count on being myself around her. I genuinely believe that she is amazing. She's got my back, and I got her back too. Amanda, thank you so much for being my closest friend here. I respect all that you have done for me, thank you.
  • Perla: Perla is another amazing friend. She was always so caring, understanding, and had a very nurturing attitude. I appreciate everything she has done for me, and I believe she's definitely going very far in life. Thank you, Perla, for everything.
  • Kara: Kara, man, I can relate to her on so many levels. Kara is probably the most creative person I've ever met. She's also very hard-working, and her work deserves recognition. Kara is a very driven person, and I respect that about her. Whenever I needed something made she would always design it the way I envisioned it. Kara's amazing.
  • TeamMaybe: Man, where do I even begin? This person... is probably the most interesting person I have ever met on here. She is also extremely understanding, and she gives the best feedback. Whenever you're down, Ella brings you happiness. I love Ella so much, she's an amazing person inside and out! I'll never forget our long calls... they're always interesting.
  • Malorie: Malorie, man... I knew Malorie for what feels like forever. I remember the day we met perfectly. She had told me something fascinating at the time, and since then we were good friends. I would go on a variety of different CPPS servers and troll around with her. I had a great deal of fun with Malorie, she's a great person. She's also eager-minded and strong.
  • Pablo: Pablo, wow... the best artist hands down. Pablo is such an amazing person too. Pablo is understanding, caring, and easy-going. He is wickedly talented, and every time I see her amazing artwork I get awestruck. He is a great person and friend.
  • Bailey: Although Bailey and I don't talk on the regular, I trust him a lot. Whenever I use to speak to him (or even now) our conversations are eye-opening and real. He's a very loyal person in my opinion, and also rather fun too. I'll never forget the conversation we had at /jr positive, it was a very deep conversation that really got me thinking. Thank you, Bailey
  • Macy: Honestly, Macy you’re like the chillest person. You’re super understanding, and so kind. You’re a great friend! I appreciate you so much honestly, thank you!
  • Sled: Sled, you’re such a down to earth person. Thank you for showing me continuous support. You have some fantastic feedback during difficult times, and I couldn’t ever thank you enough! Thanks so much, ur amazing!

All of you have impacted me in a way that is simply on a personal level. I would like to thank all of those people above for sticking with me, respecting me, and allowing me to be myself around them - as well as for understanding me.

Okay, now let us go back to information regarding the Penguin Watch. I would like to announce that the Penguin Watch, will be shutting down. I will be demoting every member of the Penguin Watch effective at the post of this discussion. I urge the administrator NOT to try to start the Penguin Watch up again. The Penguin Watch has become superannuated. After countless attempts to make it alive and relevant again, there simply is no way of doing so. OldCP gets on average (on a very good day) around 20 users. Most of these people are either ranked or were ranked before, the Penguin Watch isn't needed anymore. However, if for some reason the administration feels that it is appropriate to bring the Penguin Watch back again, please consult with me in regards to who I believe would probably be best fit for running it... again, I do not recommend it to come back though.

I don't want this discussion to get tremendously long because I feel like not many people are actually going to read it. I'm assuming I'll get a few basic responses, which is fine, but for those who actually read this discussion please write down below the following: "Sadie, I'm a real one." - this will help me notice who actually read this entirely. I will be posting a part [2] tomorrow. In part [2] I will describe something quite personal, and it will get really deep. As for now, I want to leave this off on a positive note...

All of you are amazing people, people I have grown to love and adore. I wouldn't be where I am today without all of you. Thank you for making my time on OldCP amazing... it means a lot to me. I look forward to staying around for a little bit longer, unranked. I would like to stay as DSGHQ Forum staff if possible. I like the community, and I still love the forum. Until I stop loving the forum, I won't be leaving this community. But as for OldCP, I just don't desire to continue my journey there. I'm pretty inactive, and honestly, it isn't fair for me to be ranked.

Now that the Penguin Watch is officially gone, I can finally share with everyone some of the awesome memories I have made through my time as Senior Captain!

(I will be adding more pictures to this as I find them, thanks. If you have any please send me them!)


+1 by Pic, Lloyd, Brit, CPBiter and 26 others
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
19th March 2020, 09:27 PM

Although many of us will miss the penguin watch and you ofc at least I can say it was fun working for you haha- okay but in all seriousness...like jaden said in his recent mood...once a brother always a brother ;)

+1 by Scott, jay, Brit, Loki and 4 others

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
19th March 2020, 09:31 PM

once a brother always a brother

+1 by CPBiter, Scott, jay, Brit and 8 others

2,224 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th March 2020, 09:34 PM

Sadie, you have had a huge impact on this community, probably even bigger than you think. I wanna thank you for the hours you put in to this community, keeping it a safe and loving community for eight whole years! Even from when I started playing OldCP you were kind to me. I have endless thanks to give to you. And I wish you all the best in life! :D

Oh, by the way, Sadie I am a real one :P

+1 by Scott, Brit, Loki, Sled and 4 others

1,360 posts
Seen 28th June 2020
19th March 2020, 09:48 PM

What a journey you’ve had! <3

You’ve shaped most of this community & especially the Penguin Watch. But all good things come to an end & honestly I agree that the Penguin Watch should be shut down after your resignation. It’s dead, and cannot be fixed. Thanks for your countless hours spent on the game, and on the forums helping users especially. Even when you were busy with college & work you took the time out of your day to just come on and check the forums and game out. You made the best of it.

“If you ever find yourself screwing around on the voodoo of OldCP that’s on you not me.” - Sadie

I’m a real one, Sadie.

+1 by Scott, Brit, Loki, Joseph and 3 others

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th March 2020, 10:15 PM

This is sad. SADIEEEE IM A REAL ONE. The Penguin Watch was one of the first real ranks I was ever trusted with. I am grateful that I got to have that experience while it was still relevant to the game. It did a great service to the game for a long time. You guys were the only ones who would trust me back when I was a drac. And it was honestly one of the best and most wholesome ranks I was involved in in the game. Thank you for trusting me Sadie, when no one other than Team and Pablo would.

Hope to see you around still Sadie, you will be missed, and I’ll dm you some images of your time here that I think you’ll enjoy. <3

+1 by Scott, Pic, Joseph, Paradise and 1 other, -1 by pppboi

444 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
19th March 2020, 10:51 PM

Sadie, I'm a real one. The Penguin Watch was such a fun rank and I enjoyed my time being there (even though you guys denied me 3 times you asses!) Haha, but I do agree with everything you have said in this post. The Penguin Watch is obsolete, there's really nothing that can be done to bring it back to the way that it used to be. To me personally, I think that's a sign to close this chapter in OldCP and keep it as a memory for the ones that were around who got to enjoy the experience. If there happens to be a new generation of users, maybe some of them can get to enjoy the Penguin Watch rank at the discretion of you and the Administration. I'm looking forward to the second post you're planning to make.

+1 by Scott, Paradise, Loki, Zaron and 1 other

86 posts
Seen 9th October 2022
19th March 2020, 11:09 PM

It's been legendary, PW was my first rank and will always be my favorite all the people ive met and the friends ive made has been awesome! you've made this community amazing Sadie thank you for letting me be apart of this amazing journey, oh yeah I'm a real one ;) I cant believe it but all good things come to an end eventually :( thank you Sadie <3 Once a brother always a brother <3

+1 by Scott, Loki, Joseph, Zaron and 1 other
Hay hay hay

what’re you lookin at
249 posts
Seen 17th July 2024
19th March 2020, 11:37 PM

I will miss the PW. Y'all really helped me to achieve moderator. I am forever grateful for the friends I have made through this group. It has a special place in my heart. I give all thanks to Sadie for making that possible. and team cause she suggested me. I know this is pretty cheesy but im fr. Im gonna miss the pw.

+1 by Paradise, Scott, Loki, Joseph and 2 others

Mashed Potato
69 posts
Seen 20th March 2020
20th March 2020, 05:47 AM

I don't know you well, Sadie, but I'm sure everyone here (including me) will be missing you <3

I remember back in my first year of Oldcp, hearing about the Penguin Watch. They honestly sounded so cool to me (and at first a bit creepy because I thought they were like Big Brother or smthn)

I wish you good luck for your future :D

Also, I'm a real one.

+1 by Scott

Former Moderator
433 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
20th March 2020, 10:00 AM

once a brother, always a brother <3


+1 by Scott, Sled and lush

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
20th March 2020, 10:02 AM

jemi1234 wrote on 20th March 2020, 10:00 AM:
once a brother, always a brother
Awesome pictures, thank you so much! :D

Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

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