4th April 2020

CZ Summary March 19-April 3

Made by Loki in News

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
4th April 2020, 12:37 AM

So whats the CZ Tea these days? Here is a basic summary of whats been going on since Forest Prince and Princesses ended.

Pythas became Mairon and tried to be a good lad. But sadly, this is impossible for him to follow. He now does what he does and claims that he is just a man in the world trying to survive, and as such, he has to do what he must. He has taken on the name Myrus and created his own fort, Myfort. Inside of Myfort, he has the Palantir, which can show the future, the past, and illusions that he wants others to see. Such as like when he used it to show us the illusion that the Shinobi had killed Gamer.

More recently, people have been submitting to Myfort. One day Mairon was on granting wishes to anyone who submitted to him. Many people submitted to him and he granted them wishes. Then Orome came on and Mairon fled as he was afraid of Orome as Orome still sees his true colors. Orome came on in a rage. People started calling him fake and disrespecting him. This made him more enraged and he desired to only speak to the "innocent bird" (me). To get away from everyone, Orome went to Dorval. But everyone followed him. This angered him even further. He started to kill people after shouting for them to leave so he could speak with me.

He called everyone traitors for submitting to Myfort and he went into the Vulture Tower to give them all one last chance to stay away from him. People still did not listen and followed him into the Vulture Tower. He gave them several more verbal warnings to leave but they did not listen.

I attempted to talk Orome out of killing everyone but he only grew more enraged as people refused to listen to him and even started to insult the elderly man. Orome left abruptly and everyone left in the room had died.

I was somehow fortunate enough to be saved. Then Orome desired to speak to Kace and I. People came back into the room and continued to pester him so he removed everyone's speech while he spoke to us. We tried to get him to be merciful to everyone and tried to reason with him that murdering people like this was evil but he said that it was not evil as they had betrayed him and what was good for a mere wish, which was being granted by LEGION. He also argued that he had given them several warnings to stay out, warnings that they did not heed so they had brought his wrath upon themselves. He then said that he was going to let evil become powerful and rampage for a week so that we could all learn our lesson. Then Orome left and he has not appeared back since then. This was on March 19.

Not much occurred in that week of evil being overly powerful. Even Mairon stayed under the radar in his operations.

Today, Nook was on and he made a few prophecies for people. He was on so long and I didn't feel like tracking him over OldCp for an hour, so this is about the first 15 minutes of him being online:
Orlock: What will happen to Dorval? I am resigning soon.
Nook: I saw colorful monsters from Das.

Valid: iBlue told me many times that I am the son of Pythas, is this true?
Nook: No.

Tom: Who will become the LOTB?
Nook: I will say to you this, the rich one will become the poor one.

Zpheal: Is Fable my real father?
Nook: Yes.

Tasha: Who is my mommy? OwO
Nook: Your mommy is Belhar.
Tasha: who th?
Nook: The Blind Monkess.
Tasha: She doesn’t exist!
Nook: in lore :)
Tasha: Never hear of her dude.
Nook: She died.
Tasha: My adoptive mother is Loki.
Nook: but when you were a baby you were sold :( for 20 gold. Then Loki found and pecked you. XD THEN SHE MADE YOU HERS.

Nook: I say to you (Pic) ur mom was Hannah. She was a house wife but she old you for 60 gold when you were 3.
Pic: Oop
Nook: And then I say it was Tasha who adopted you.
Tasha: I refuse to adopt her, I disown her.
Nook: Ur blind. You didn’t know xd

Nook (to an ice ghost): I say to you, you will melt in shame.

Nook: Orome is ok, he is trialing Mairon.
Kace: When is it?
Nook: My father is going to die :( Orome is coming in anger but I say to him he will regert fighting Myrus because he will shatter his own and only one bc love is the bond between evil and her.

Nook: This is my sermon, a bright light shined for the last time in the high high and it said “Kace is the new lord of earth.” So now I say to you this, what is said is true. Kace is now called Kaceous Aluri. Aluri means of earth. So that who he now is. Now hear this sermon please, Kace is gonna fight Myrust but not as you think. With guns? No. I say this, Its a war of words. And Kace will command his enemies in war. But if Kace fights Myrus with a sword, Myrust will not stand against him. Kace dont do it PLEASE. You must fight from a distance and command your land.

And that about sums up whats gone on in cz as of late.

I'd say tonight we learned to be fearful of the Wrath and Rage of Orome. He may be old but we must remember, he did kill his own daughter (Maria) when she became too evil. Do not sell yourselves out to Mairon unless you wish to bring the wrath of Orome upon yourselves. And if you do see him, treat him with respect and listen to him so another tragedy like what he created never happens again.

+1 by Tasha, Sam , Pic, Warth and 12 others

Queen Regent of Snaildom
1,826 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
4th April 2020, 12:49 AM

Awesome report! I was there for the battle and I almost died like 5 times:p

+1 by Zaron and Loki

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
4th April 2020, 12:51 AM


+1 by Zaron, Tasha and Loki, -1 by Frogs and BangahReporter

2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
4th April 2020, 12:58 AM

Great report !! The fact you were able to make this overnight is crazy to me, lol.

Can't like due to 'Centrist' sacrifice :(

+1 by Zaron and Loki

1,172 posts
Seen 10th August 2023
4th April 2020, 02:45 AM

gonna add something, nook quit propechy cuz i out prophecied him cuz when he said "the balance" will die i guessed melody and he was like omg howd u know and quit lol

+1 by Zaron and Julianhak

941 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
4th April 2020, 04:20 AM

Great post Loki

+1 by Loki

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
4th April 2020, 08:37 AM

Damn that's a lot of dead penguins. Great report Loki, appreciate the crimezone news very much!

+1 by Loki

882 posts
Seen 28th September 2024
4th April 2020, 08:37 AM

Nice report

+1 by Loki

Still Mink
1,163 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
4th April 2020, 09:24 AM

Yeah but all the PLA stuff is left out I see.

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