7th April 2020
Trials of Fire: CZ April 6, 2020
Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th April 2020, 01:02 AM
Today’s CZ started out with Cthulhu coming out on Das. As usually, he made a storm come. He ended up killing Flame with a bolt of lightning. Flame’s famous last words were “OWIE”.
Then eventually it became known that Arien was coming back to Arda from Iok-1. She came back and spoke with her son, Flame. The two bonded for a little while before Orome decided to send Kace to go and kill her.
Trial of Arien:
Arien was trialed by Julianhak, after Orome was convinced to not just have her killed right away. The crimes that she was accused of were the following:
Adultery, Spawn of Balrogs, Creation of Fire Children for Mairon, support of Mairon.
Arien plead that she was forced to do these things for Mairon and Morgoth, but her service to them ended in 2019. She said that she was used and abused by these men but was too afraid to go to Orome for help with her troubles. She did not at any point deny having ‘relationships’ with these men. She said that she went to Iok-1 to hide from Mairon and his abusiveness, but Orome did not want to hear any of her argument and accused her of going there to have an affair with Mairon.
Eventually, a feminist movement came up during the trial after Julian asked Arien to give proof that she was used and abused. Sam and Loki started pointing out the male ignorance that was in the trial jury and Arien started asking for women to be on her jury to diffuse this ignorance towards feminine issues. The whole courtroom became a mess and it would not settle down at all during the rest of the trial.
Arien was let to go and gets to be free… For now… Orome still seems to want to kill the poor woman. After the trial, Arien spoke to a few people in the courtyard. She thanked them to being loyal to her during the trial and brought up the need for a trial for Orome as he has committed many atrocities lately, such as mass murdering a whole room of innocent users during his rage. Flame went to Dorval and returned with a time and date for Orome’s trial. Orome’s trial is to be held Wednesday, April 8 at 5:30 PM EST.
After the trial, Orome went to Dorval and spoke for awhile. He eventually talked about what will happen after he kills Mairon. He says that a new Dark Lord or Lady will rise up and take his place. He felt suspicious that it could be Arien. He accuses her of being deceitful like Mairon.
Orome was also confronted about his mass murder of innocents on Dorval that he had done a few weeks ago. He said that he regretted doing it and that he despises death and treasures life so much more. But he still refused to let Arien be spared for the things she had done and remained firm in his believe that she must be killed. He did say one redeeming thing though, he said that he wants all the innocents who were killed in his rage to be revived. Will he follow through on this? That is not known.
Tonight, I think that we have learned that Orome may be trying to walk both sides of the line between good and evil. The only time that he showed any signs of remorse was after he found out that he had a trial set up just for him and his crimes as of late. That was the only time he showed any signs of compassion and mercy that the old man was once believed to possess. As lately, he seems dead set on killing people who he believes have betrayed him rather than giving them a chance to prove themselves to be good.
Is Arien good or is she evil? I do not know. Perhaps she was telling the truth about being used by Mairon and Melkor, perhaps she wasn't. Either way, neither side in this case is completely innocent of crime.
Queen Regent of Snaildom
1,826 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
7th April 2020, 01:22 AM
I love this report! Keep it up! The trial was biased in my opinion because it seemed to ignore what Arien was saying and focused on Orome’s words. They tried to twist her words even though she was explicitly clear about what happened. I sincerely hope the next trial is unbiased.
P.S. Allow women to be in the jury for the next one. We need more women jurors since they clearly are not violent in CZ and are more sensible.
P.S. Allow women to be in the jury for the next one. We need more women jurors since they clearly are not violent in CZ and are more sensible.