14th April 2020

Dice Talk - 213rd

Made by Dice in News

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
14th April 2020, 02:16 PM

Hey guys! Dice here for Dice Talk! Welcome to the 213rd issue of Dice Talk.

An OldCP Moderator Vacancy has opened up! The staff is looking for two friendly, loyal, trustworthy and experienced players who are willing to stay after the quarantine is over. Apply here: https://damenspike.com/vacancies

Lexrocks will be trialed Thursday, April the 16th at 4 PM EST. He is accused of attacking multiple penguins including Swirlie. Currently, Lex is Arrest on Sight as of right now.

Since Brit was trialed, there is an opening for North Warlord. The joust for it will be Saturday, April the 18th. Rewards will be rank 3 (if allowed by sled), blizzard beaut, clsnorthdouble, a bigger size, and a custom gray title.

Carly has been making fun of people and harassing people a lot recently. One of her victims was Terry. She had made fun of his deafness three times on her alts. She later made an apology discussion apologizing to everyone including Terry. Terry stated this:

Hello, everyone! Last night, Carly went on alt accounts to make fun of my Deafness three times in row and told me "STHU" when I tried to reach out to her. I was surprised at what the community did in return. I was defended from Carly quickly, and she was immediately banned on OldCP and now on forums too. This isn't first time that I've been made fun of for my Deafness though, it was 3rd time. 2 other users made fun of it before. When I read comments on here and responses on Discord that were defending me, I didn't realize how much this community care about me. I'm aware that I'm loved or supported for what I did, like being nice and sweet, but I didn't think I'd have serious support when it comes to my Deafness. I cried when reading anything that supported me, not because I was upset, but because I felt supported. Not same level as people I know irl. I want to gratefully thank staff for banning Carly, on OldCP and forums, and users that defended me from her. I love you guys!

https://forms.gle/ELBzCF1fFMKcbkvU6 DSGHQ Forum and OldCP Staff Approval Poll made by myself.

+1 by Pic, EbonJaeger, Kricken, iblue and 10 others

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
14th April 2020, 08:29 PM

Awesome and informative discussion, I genuinely enjoy reading through a good Dice Talk. ^_^

+1 by Dice
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