25th April 2020

Dice Talk - 215th

Made by Dice in News

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th April 2020, 08:41 AM

Hey guys! Dice here for Dice Talk! Welcome to the 215th episode!

On April 22nd, the Coffee Shop sign was stolen! Before it went missing, Revol91 and Vade2 were talking in the town in private. Lyss claimed she was hanging out at the Docks when the room went black for her then returned to normal. After it had happened, the sign went missing.

Brief Crimezone Recap
On April 23rd, Sugar and other detectives met with BillyDan on the Iceberg. BillyDan told them that he delivers food. He met with Revol91 in the South and hired Billy for MYSMUGGLE. BillyDan has no idea what happened with the signs.

On April 24th, Nook visited and gave a rock to Handir, telling him whoever receives the rock is his enemy. Gamer logged on as “Assassin” and killed Swine. CAVETROLL wanted to have a Meeting of Princes on Sunday. People assume CAVETROLL is Swine. Also, Dorval was attacked by Orcs.

On April 27th, Damen will review memes submitted by YOU on a livestream @ 4 PM EST/9 PM GMT. https://forums.damenspike.com/view/59907

Lex has created his own OldCP with former OldCP owner Rocket after storming out of the community. He claimed that the administrators are bad and no one listens to him. Damen warns that whoever plays his version will be ipbanned.
Credit to Zpheal

From Chelsey’s Discussion, Honorable Payoff
I would like to implement a new system where I'll keep track of the users who are being helpful to staff by reporting users or helping new ones. One user will be chosen every week to receive Honorable Payoff in the form of gold, which will be added to either OldCP or Forums, depending on the winner's preference. The winner will be chosen through recommendations from our community. You may not ask or bribe anyone to recommend you. After recommendations are accepted, a vote will be conducted among staff members to decide who has been the most helpful.

I will also keep track of Moderators and how well they do their jobs. I considered bringing back a strike system, but after thinking about it a bit more I realized that positive reinforcement is a much better way of improving behavior. Both Moderators and other users will be able to recommend staff members as each week's honorable moderator, however you may not recommend yourself, nor ask anyone else to recommend for you. After recommendations are accepted, a vote will be conducted among Administrators to decide who has been the most productive.

The winner of each week will be tracked on a spreadsheet. If you're looking to be promoted, whether that be to Moderator or Administrator, having a higher count of Honorable Payoffs on your record will work in your favor. This system will begin tomorrow (Monday, 4/20) and winners will be announced every Sunday via Forums, so be on your best behavior if you're looking to win!

Love the Forums? Want to become a Forum Moderator? Chelsey has recently announced that a few users will be chosen to be a moderator to our Forums. More information is in her post: https://forums.damenspike.com/view/59996 Applications are due May 1st.

A new branch of Dice Talk Inc. has opened just recently: Dice Talk Polling. Each month, a poll will be released which the users can vote to either approve of or disapprove of certain ranked user’s job performance. I believe this is a good idea so moderators and others can see if they need to improve or not. Vote here for the April 26th poll:

+1 by Pablo, Abushekaus, Sled, EbonJaeger and 6 others

541 posts
Seen 28th March 2023
25th April 2020, 08:58 AM

Can I be Dice Talk Inc lawyer?

+1 by Sled, Dice and Brit

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
25th April 2020, 09:04 AM

dwiamer1 wrote on 25th April 2020, 08:58 AM:
Can I be Dice Talk Inc lawyer?
you're hired!

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