4th May 2020


Made by EpicAnimatorGuy in Suggestions

CEO of Lorefiix
2,037 posts
Seen 17th November 2024
4th May 2020, 07:27 AM

Hello everyone, I made this discussion to give suggestions to people who want to get into 2d/3d animation

2d and 3d can differentiate. You might think 2d animation is easier than 3d animation. or the other way around. But that's not what this discussion is about

Im here to give some tips about animation and where to start!

(War of Drakes was meant to have terrible movement animation as a joke, im actually pretty good)

I am a 3D animator. I've been animating since late 2014. I was terrible at the start but everyone will be when beginning 3D animation. Some people can actually be amazing on their first try!

Now you might think that its all tricky to figure it out. That's depending on what program you use to animate. There are several
Here is a list of programs you can use (Not all of them are free)

Unreal Engine (can be use for game development too!)
Cinema 4d
Source Film Maker

If you want to learn the basics of animation, I would recommend using Blender as its free and simple!

I use Source film maker as its the easiest program to use.
SFM (Source Film maker) is A 3D Animating Program made by Valve, it was made for Valve games, Half life, Team fortress 2, left 4 dead.
But Valve opened up a work shop for SFM and people created their own models. The first being Five Nights At Freddy's. (Which is what i use to animate till around 2017)

Ever since then ive been learning how to use lighting and cool effects! Now ive been using sfm for around 6 years now and im not amazing as sfm is a bit tricky to master. but the easiest to learn.

But if you want to do more graphics intensive and more cgi looking type things, I would strongly advise using Blender!

Blender is a program which is free. no micro transactions. Everything is free. The only time you will be emptying your wallets for blender is if you are buying models of 3rd party websites.

I use blender sometimes for real time cgi. I would film around my house and i would place random monsters in my kitchen. but that was 2 years ago when i had a pc that could barely run gmod.

Cinema 4d cost a lot of money... but is easier to use than blender (In my opinion)

Unity is probably where it gets more complicated. Unity is what Damen uses to make his 3d games. It allows both 2d and 3d game development and animating, Its free to use and really easy to learn

Unreal engine is a bit annoying to learn but free but not kind in storage space. hopefully you have 80 gigs left in your hard drive

Now when animating you need to be confident and have a good imagination. My imagination is amazing and i can animate a series without planning a script or anything. Just by head.
you also need patience. a 5 minute animation can take a long time trust me. It usually takes me over an hour to make 5 minute animations as you gotta move every limb for 5 minutes! and the rendering can take a long time.

(I would recommend a good computer btw)

And you also got to understand improvement happens over time. you will improve if you persevere with your work. During my first few year of animating, i thought i would be amazing. And trust me. i was terrible. everything was clipping and all over the place. Then during 2017 i improved. Spending nearly 100 hours a month.I would fake being sick just to animate all day. Atm we're all in lockdown. Nothing to do. So if you want to start learning how to animate. Start now! If you need any help please let me know.


+1 by Brit, Sled, Finnawoke, EbonJaeger and 3 others

Lol and fart

5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
4th May 2020, 10:10 AM

If I were to make 3d animations, I would probably actually use Unity since I know it can do what I need it to do

CEO of Lorefiix
2,037 posts
Seen 17th November 2024
4th May 2020, 10:13 AM

Damen wrote on 4th May 2020, 10:10 AM:
If I were to make 3d animations, I would probably actually use Unity since I know it can do what I need it to do
And its easy to download! Free too!

Lol and fart

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