26th May 2020
Dice Talk - Anarchy on the Island
News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th May 2020, 04:42 AM
Hey guys! Dice here for Dice Talk! Welcome to the 228th episode!
In the morning of May 26th, the /si command was leaked to the users. Basically, this is a rank 5 command that can change any user’s clothing item (e.g. /si Dice face 101). When Damen heard of this, he was furious and ordered CPBiter, Orlock, Kace and Turquito to be executed by Zes. He said this in his mood:
Anyone who abused the si glitch yesterday will be out to death on their mains. Chelsey will assign the executioner(s)
Kace later committed suicide after being left at 9% health by Jesse, who refused to kill him.
Congratulations to Sam on winning GOK and Jake on becoming the new Snaildom Moderator!
The Witches are back! Check out the Vulture Report on more information on the witches!
Over Discord, King Orlock of Dorval announced that he will be marrying Little tomorrow so that she can rule while he is dead. Famous DSGHQ rapper Lil Khal K will be a Helper for her.
Check out the very first issue of Rogue magazine, the DSGHQ version of Vogue, written by our very own Queen Rouge of Das.