3rd June 2020

Trial of Akkar - Court Report

Made by Dice in News

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
3rd June 2020, 04:57 PM

Court Report for the Trial of Akkar

Defendant: Akkar
Defendant’s Attorney: N/A
Date of Case: 6/3/2020
Time of Hearing: 4 PM EST/9 PM GMT
Judge: Empress Helper Sled
Sentenced for: Attacking in popular, in the presence of Damen

Sled: We gather here today to trial Akkar who needs to get on his real account. As you can see we have Light for pressure and stuff. Akkar attacked Khal the other day in the South. Let’s hear from Akkar.

Akkar: Ok. So this all starts about 5 days ago.I get a whisper from “Orome” saying “Nate and Khal need to die.” because he doesn’t want homos ruling his island. So I’m like “thats a bit harsh?” and he said nothing else. So 2 days later I got an OP dagger from Orome to kill the Cobia king of Myrus. Still thinking this is Orome. Fast forward to OldCP prom I’m chilling, right. Having a good time and bam. Whisper pops up saying “This is Orome. Kill Khal now.” I ignored it.

Sled: Why are you working for these people?

Akkar: So POTM ceremony happens. I got another whisper saying the same thing. I still ignored it. Then back at OldCP prom with Damen and stuff I got 5 whispers in a row saying “KILL KHALL NOW. THIS IS OROME.”

Fable: Sky and Khal were having drama and Damen was watching. Skylinr then takes out his dagger of stupidity and he tries to strike Khal K. This causes a riot resulting in today.

Akkar: I call Khal up.

Khal: I’ll explain everything. So he attacked me. Chelsey warned him saying “don’t attack in popular again on South.” Next thing uou know 1 week later he does it in front of Damen. Again. FOr the second time. He attacked me on Dorval many times. He almost killed me if I wasn’t quick enough. I in fact arrested him on Dorval and INFERNO, his agent, released him. The Inferno aka Sky released himself.

Akkar: Liar.


Pic: Periodt.

Sled: Thank you, Lil Khal K, k stands for king. Joseph, tell me your wisdom.

Joseph: Well, I think this situation was very bad on Sky’s part. Also the rank abuse added onto it. And we need to appreciate the value of chances. Because you can’t use them all up.

Sled: Ok, Joseph. Fair statement. I agree. Joseph, you being Grand Most Wise and all. Moths are very important to me. What do you believe his punishment should be?

Joseph: It seems like everyone wants execution.

Sled: What do you believe is right, though, Joseph?

Joseph: I guess we shall execute for abuse of ranks.

Guilty. Execution, 3 week weapon/rank ban.

+1 by EbonJaeger, kensey, Sled, Loki and 10 others

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
3rd June 2020, 05:11 PM

well reported, thank you dice

+1 by Tommo and EbonJaeger

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
3rd June 2020, 05:14 PM

Akkar: Liar.


Pic: Periodt.
Beautiful. Best defensive statements. lol

Very nice report Dice.

+1 by Pic, Tasha and Brit

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
3rd June 2020, 09:19 PM

Loki wrote on 3rd June 2020, 05:14 PM:
Akkar: Liar.
Pic: Periodt.
Beautiful. Best defensive statements. lol
Very nice report Dice.
omg i made it in here HAHAHAH

+1 by Brit

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