12th June 2020

sorry if i ever bullied you

Made by frozo in Introductions and Leaving

your uber driver
1,538 posts
Seen 31st May 2023
12th June 2020, 04:52 PM

Since I've been hanging around here again, I feel kind of obligated to apologize for my actions in the past. I'm putting this in Introductions because I'd like to think of this as a brief re-introduction.

I honestly don't have a great memory from 2013-2017 but I do remember that towards 2016 I started becoming an edgy freshman and was pretty brutal to some people on here. The only names that specifically come to mind right now are Jake01 and Dancebear, but I know I was probably a nuisance to many of you and I just wanted to say that I'm genuinely sorry for that. It was just that angsty teenager phase, I guess.

I hope I don't continue to intimidate people on here and if I ever offended you, I'd like to start a clean slate. I'm really bored because of lockdown and I came back here to honestly just get to know some of you again and chill without any hard feelings.

Thank you!

+1 by EbonJaeger, Loki, door, Zaron and 15 others
so long, goodbye, and good luck.

1,137 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
12th June 2020, 04:56 PM

glad u are a new person and no longer want to kill pookies, truly reformed

+1 by Faith and frozo

941 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
12th June 2020, 05:02 PM

Good gesture apologising. Welcome back!

+1 by frozo

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
12th June 2020, 05:20 PM

welcome back frozo :)

+1 by frozo

102 posts
Seen 28th June 2020
17th June 2020, 01:19 AM

hey frozo, my memories not the greatest either but I do remember we used to talk some back in the day. I think many of us have things we regret doing or saying during our teenage years, so don't be too hard on yourself. It's really nice of you to apologize and I hope we can catch up some time. take care!

+1 by frozo and Bailey
Marble :)
Stay classy

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