13th June 2020

Dice Talk - 235th

Made by Dice in News

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
13th June 2020, 12:06 AM

Hey guys! Dice here for Dice Talk! Welcome to the 235th episode!

The war on Das is still on. Sirmus (Miromeski) spawned many bots on Das today, but they were defeated with the help of Gamer, Rouge, Harry, Orbay, and others. Once they cleared the island of bots, Rouge reset the timer, but Sirmus didn’t notice. Right now, it is unclear of what has happened. Sirmus has the King of Das faction, but Rouge still has the Queen of Das faction.

Sled will be hosting a Find Four tournament on OldCP next Friday at 4 PM EST. The winner will get the Find Four Champion badge on Forums.
https://forums.damenspike.com/discussion/60729 More information

Zpheal will be tried for murdering Rover in jail. He was a DRAKE militant. After Rover killed Randy, he was jailed. Saber kept telling people to stop trying to murder Rover, but they did not listen. It will be this Saturday at 4 PM EST.

Myrus is being tried on June 16th at 3 PM EST. He is being tried for the murder of countless innocents, breaking oldcp rules (like CZ characters usually do), smiting and cursing users, and much more, according to Detective Saber.

Damen is now Emperor-Regent, as announced by Empress Raindrop on June 12th.

There is a vacancy open for News Reporter! Apply now in this discussion:

Snaildom GOM has been rescheduled to June 19th - 21st due to the war.

Check out the new Weapon Guidelines post by Chelsey!

+1 by TerryDJ, kensey, kace, Lil Khal K and 4 others

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