1st July 2020

Honorable Payoff's New Format!

Made by jay in Announcements

2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
1st July 2020, 03:00 AM

Hello everyone!

There will be a new format implemented for Honorable Payoff! It will be hosted the first and third week of every month with ONE winner! Other than your OldCP username and the user who performed the “good deed”, you must include the good deed they have performed and a witness. I recommend putting down a Moderator or a trusted user as a witness.

They will be given the ‘Honorable User’ faction on OldCP and one reward from a list that will be provided to them. They will also have a discussion and announcement in the OldCP Server that is all about them and the good deeds they performed! Earning honorable user or appearing in the form numerous times because of your good deeds can benefit you if you’re looking forward to becoming an OldCP Moderator! Here is the form for submitting the good deeds users have performed! https://bit.ly/HonorablePayoff

+1 by Cristal, Rachell, Brit, randy and 6 others

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