7th October 2020

End Crimezone?

Made by Alatar in Crimezone

1,164 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th October 2020, 05:44 PM

Now I know that sounds extremely out of place and weird; but hear me out.

Why does "Crimezone" exist?

It's become a word that is so loosely based on almost nothing that it's hard to understand what the hell "Crimezone" is supposed to be. People will "beg for cz" or "ask cz gods for story" but personally I think that it makes any kind of story or real freedom to make a story; if you catch my drift.

Basically; if you ever try to do anything with a touch of roleplay, and want to do it to make the game more fun, people will immediately shut you off because you "aren't a crimezone actor" and so by default anything you say or do will be ignored in it's entirety and you'll be punished for "Faking cz".

People complain about "cz" being this and that, myself included, but why does crimezone have to exist?

Personally, I think that word should just be completely demolished, and we should have a real "Story-wise restart". Basically, reducing the use of OP actor accounts, and starting to make the game more fun.

People play games to have fun. I'm not sure what went wrong with OldCP, but quite honestly, I don't really see any actual "fun" in the game. On the surface, it's just a copy of the original club penguin with some little things sprinkled in, but I believe that if you're going to have a "Crimezone" aspect in it, you should choose one or the other, and start focusing on it.

My personal opinion? Stop treating OldCP like a "copy of Club Penguin" and start making it it's own story. The reason people like iOldCP is because, even if they don't completely enjoy what happens in the game, and Orlock basically just takes the story of OldCP and gives his fanfiction like rendition of it, something still happens. The few 48 hours the game is up, it's almost non-stop: things are always constantly moving, and it makes the game tons more worthwhile, even if you don't exactly like what's going on, it's better than nothing.

One of the things that should be done is to stop putting things in the same category; for instance, rules and laws. I think there should be a much bigger divide between what counts as a bannable offense, and what counts as a trial offense. As well as set punishment for each of these.

Moderators should be cut down on. Extremely. For one thing, moderators take up half of the game's activity; and it's really pretty stupid. Some of the rules for the game honestly just make me laugh.

"Do not use bad language" - This one makes sense too; but if you have a censor, why does it report it to mods? You said something and NO ONE saw it, so basically, there's no reason for you to be banned. Unless it's an actual acro-swear.
"Do not spam" - Fair.
"Respect everyone including staff members" - Not sure why the staff members are treated as gods among men when all they did was play some party games at GOM and get their rank by basically sucking up to Damen, but whatever. Respect is a fair rule; just not sure why you had to outline staff members, again.
"Obey the judgement of staff members" - So if a moderator bans someone when multiple witnesses have reason to believe that the ban was unjust, or that you believe it's unjust, they can ban you again for not agreeing with them? This shouldn't be a rule.
"Do not bully others" - Makes sense.
"Do not share your password" - Again, another fair rule.
"Do not try to trick the rules" - A fair rule.
"Do not threaten staff or members or iOldCP" - This is a really stupid rule. I'm not exactly sure what the hell you mean by "threaten" but it tends to be taken out of context; threatening a staff member ingame or threatening them outside of it? Because for one, this is a stupid rule if it pertains to the game itself, and for two, it's a stupid rule outside of it as well. If someone is threatening you personally, why does it only pertain to staff members, and count as a bannable offense?
"Do not talk about self harm" - This is perfectly preventable by using the already implemented censor in the game to rule out words that involve self harm; or set a certain string of words to be censored.
"Do not cause drama" - Understandable; but with such a loose rule it's hard to actually weed out what counts as drama and what doesn't. Heated arguments are bound to happen, one way or another, and what tends to happen is that the moderators just pick whatever side they want in an argument and will punish the other person for "causing drama" even if they had no intentions of drama whatsoever.
"Do not hold video chat parties without permission." - Who are you to dictate what people do outside of the game?
"Do not invis kill" - If invisibility causes a problem, just remove it from the game. It genuinely has no real use.
"Do not spawn kill unless they are KOS (kill on site)" - Not only is that dumb, but you could actually just make people immune to death when they're in spawn.

"When a user dies...
Their rank will be lost.
They will have no right to claim it back.
They will need to re-earn it over a minimum of 1 week.
Why? To stop the rise of alt accounts."

Not only is this something Damen has gone back on multiple times, it really doesn't need to be considered a rule. 1. Mods would get weekly revivals; why? I thought they would lose their rank and have no right to claim it back. 2. When Damen himself dies, he just deletes the person's every account, and brings himself back. 3. I'm not sure what the hell "re-earn" is supposed to mean unless you want them to "sing" or "make a commercial about their own product". 4. Alt accounts exist anyways; there are literal tons, so many in fact, that a majority of the games registered users all belong to the same IP.

"IMPERIAL Military Light Saber Regulation"
This one...
I know these are out of use, the saber regulations, but some things similar to it still hold today. Weapons and the regulations for them are insane. I mean genuinely, some of the stupidest rules and reasons. The reason you have to spam bots and why most of the actual user involvement in crimezone no longer exists is because people, believe it or not, get pretty fed up when everything they do is completely in vain because of an unbalance in the game itself.
The fact that an Admin who had NOTHING to do with an evil user and the way they obtained their items can just remove all of it from them is one of the things that has to be the most annoying. It makes the game extremely unfun and it compels people to want to play the game less and less.

This post is getting really long, and somewhat off topic, so I'll just go ahead and sum things up here; people play GAMES to have FUN. When you offer something that is being advertised to be fun, and then when people play the game, they just get annoyed, it MAKES THE GAME NOT FUN.

I would literally rather play any other game than OldCP because I know the moment I make an account (assuming I was a new user); I might as well just be doing something more productive. There's nothing really new for me to see; other than some rooms, which aren't easily accessible most of the time and tend to get old fast. The few Club Penguin games there are give me no reward, they're just almost identical to something I could find on Coolmath Games. After that, the community itself is full of self absorbed entitled people, who for the most part, will just ignore you or try to bait you into joining them. You then have a completely useless choice. You can either start trying to get a rank, which takes literal months OF DOING NOTHING BUT SITTING IN A ROOM FOR HOURS AND HOURS ON END. Do you have ANY IDEA HOW DEPRESSING THAT IS? Staying up TO SOME OF THE LATEST HOURS OF THE NIGHT, checking in EVERY FEW MINUTES TO MOVE TO MAKE SURE MY GODDAMN PENGUIN ACCOUNT STAYS ON SO I CAN GRIND FOR GOLD AND GET THE POTM. Oh, also with the threats of hundreds of incredibly annoying and overpowered bots that can hit you from across the room. Let's say I want to be a Moderator. I make a team, I compete in the GOM; which is really pretty unfun. First you have to find a team, and for the most part? Unless you're a generic Christian white woman, you might as well give up. If I want go Evil, I sell my soul, ruin my chances of ever being anything else, get hated on by a community that knows next to nothing about me, killed, arrested, forced to sit in jail, have anything I can actually get taken away from me by whatever admin has it out for me today, and at the end of the day? IT'S NOT WORTH PLAYING THE GAME.

So like I said. The game is either going to continue down it's ever steadying decline, or it's just going bring in the same few audience; some ranked users that have been in the game for years and continue to surprise me in how much obsession they have over a game with almost nothing to offer, and the few people that stay on for 24 hours so they can play iOldCP for 2 days a week and basically be faced with something incredibly similar. Or the spanish people with an obsession for Penguin3D, a game where they do nothing but spam left click on a wall for days on end just to have a bunch of gear that they have no real use for, until they get bored and go back to Roblox; considering the 2 are almost identical, and that I could have WAY more fun on that Penguin3D.

Or, the small, incredibly tiny light at the end of the tunnel that something is finally, FINALLY done to fix the issues in the game to where it becomes fun. But one can only hope.

+1 by Zaron, SecurityGuy, Julianhak, Rookie3142 and 13 others

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