23rd October 2020


Made by Damen in Announcements

5,165 posts
Seen 23rd June 2024
23rd October 2020, 02:10 AM

It seems you all forgot

If you are a staff and wish to resign, you MUST email me at [email protected] in advance
and only I (ME) should be the one who demotes you on forums or oldcp or penguin3d (unless the person is abusing powers)

Under no circumstances should a mod or another admin demote a staff member without my knowledge other than if a staff is abusing powers

Recent examples include Brit and Zes. I only found out that they'd quit after someone else demoted them and didn't even get a personal notice message.

From now on if someone demotes a staff without my knowing first, they will also be demoted

+1 by Cristal, Abushekaus, Akkar, Luke and 14 others

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