7th January 2021

Penguin Club Virtually Third Dimension Suggestions

Made by kace in Penguin3D

1,172 posts
Seen 10th August 2023
7th January 2021, 01:08 PM

Welcome. This is quite the serious post, as you can already tell.

I hope you know that this is a serious post, and most definitely, not a joke.

First off, I have a great suggestion.


Staff should spawn in private chambers, that leads to Moth Library of course, since it does on oldcp. There also would be a door right by Prince Sriram's portrait, indeed.

Second off, Thrones.

Anyone can just sit on thrones (beside baraddur)

There should be a block only for that person that can access, or make it so if you sit on it, you get rejoined. If you sat on it three times, instead of rejoining you, it would arrest you on the island the throne is at.
Throne rooms:

Next idea, Axel beacon.

When you fly a plane to Axel Island, you cannot see anything. You dont know where to land at all, but what if there was a huge beacon that showed you (the player) where to land? It would be epic.

Next idea, linking Axel Jail to earth hall.

Since it was blocked to do /jr since you could easily go to secretcity, why not move it to earth hall and unlock the JR so you dont have to explore to go there?

Next idea, prov thrones.

Providence should have a thrones indeed, since there is only libertyhouse. It would be epic.

Next idea, Arrest log

It is hard to tell who arrested someone, but if you did /arrestlog it would show who did the command on someone.

Next and last idea, Arrest duration.

There should be an arrest duration time, for automatic arrests like sitting on a throne, maybe a day. Or you could do /(island)arrest (user) (duration) (ex: 2d 5h 32s)

This concludes Penguin Club Virtually Third Dimension Suggestions.

Hope you enjoyed reading this elegant post.

+1 by SecurityGuy, , Warth, Zaron and 8 others

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
7th January 2021, 01:14 PM


+1 by kace, Boshi and DaN

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th January 2021, 05:37 PM

Agreed completely, my good kace.

+1 by kace and DaN

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