6th June 2021

Best Vacation Destinations in Penguin3D

Made by Dice in Cool Stuff

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th June 2021, 04:23 PM

6. Providence

Providence Island has a very interesting history, from being ruled by Das, witches, pirates, and Pythas himself. Destinations to check out are the Liberty House and Toben's Office. If you're into combat, the Coliseum would be a perfect place for you.

5. The South

Despite not looking like much, the South has many things to see and do, such as visiting the Shop to buy clothes, the Furniture Shop to buy furniture, the Pizza Parlor and Cafe to grab a bite to eat, and the Mountain to sled race with your friends. You should also check out the largest building on the island, the Thrones, which is currently occupied by Pythas.

4. Dorval

If you're into ships, there are two destinations to visit in Dorval: Shipwrights and the Sutherland cargo ship. You can also visit the very first, and largest, airport in Penguin3D at Dorval.

3. Das

Das has beautiful beaches, beautiful islands, and a beautiful castle. It is also the tallest castle in Penguin3D which is over 100 feet. However, you need to beware of goblins!

2. Ach To

Ach To is a beautiful mountainous island with beautiful skies similar to Dorval. It is a great place to hike and to explore.

1. Cobia

If you're looking for a place with beautiful beaches, beautiful mountains, and a rich history, then Cobia is the place for you. Not only does it have breathtaking beaches and large mountains to hike in, it also contains the only Damenball stadium in Penguin3D, as well as a beautiful throne room with golden lion statues crafted by the world's greatest artists.

+1 by Foxel, Varai, Loki, Jake01 and 4 others

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th June 2021, 05:35 PM

You forgot to mention Goblin Town

+1 by and Flame

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th June 2021, 11:18 PM

Haloween1000 wrote on 6th June 2021, 10:36 PM:
bro no one wants to go there for vacation

+1 by DaN, , Flame and Tommo

¡Hola Buenas!
274 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th June 2021, 11:57 PM

I will just stay home. Gracias por su oferta.

+1 by Dice, Flame, and Loki

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