20th June 2021

P3D Igloo Contest

Made by rouge in Penguin3D

144 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
20th June 2021, 05:42 PM

To all P3D users,

It's time to save up some gold nuggets and head to the furniture store! I noticed a lot of you are really creative at decorating your igloos so why not show them off to everyone.

The first P3D Igloo Contest will take place next Sunday, 27th June at 5pm EST. If you wish to compete, comment, mail or Discord DM me or the other judges (Flame and Dice) with your username and Igloo ID. We are giving you 1 week to design your igloos. Be as creative as you can!

- 5 Cosmic ore
- 200 gold ore
- 5 ores of your choice (excluding cosmic ore)


A todos los usuarios de P3D,

¡Es hora de ahorrar algunas pepitas de oro y dirigirse a la tienda de muebles! Me di cuenta de que muchos de ustedes son realmente creativos al decorar sus iglús, así que ¿por qué no mostrárselos a todos?

El primer Concurso P3D Igloo tendrá lugar el próximo domingo, 27 de junio a 5PM EST. Si deseas competir, comenta, envía un correo electrónico a Discord oa mí oa los otros jueces (Flame o Dice) con tu nombre de usuario e ID de Igloo. Te regalamos 1 semana para diseñar tus iglús. ¡Sea tan creativo como pueda!

- 5 mineral cósmico
- 200 minerales de oro
- 5 minerales de su elección (excluyendo el mineral cósmico)

+1 by Dice, SecurityGuy, Flame, Foxel and 7 others, -1 by Tommo

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
21st June 2021, 04:20 PM

so i cant get into p3d cos my screen just gets stuck at the loading servers bit

but my jake01 account easily has the best igloo, not sure what my id is but im sure you can get it - you can find loads of things on the internet so maybe my igloo id (or even my ip address) is around here somewhere...

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