29th October 2021

Adventures of Pic and Loki: 2

Made by Loki in Penguin3D

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
29th October 2021, 12:46 PM

Another Adventure with Pic and Loki, with our special guest, Akkar!

This time, Pic and I decided to adventure into space and Akkar decided to join us on our adventure. Pic said she would fly the rocket and the space shuttle in space because she was good at it. Akkar and I had our doubts...

But eventually we did get into space! Pic was the first person to be in charge of flying the spaceship. But she panicked behind the wheel and accidentally ejected herself out into space. She drifted away from the ship into open space.

Eventually she got back in and then Akkar was our driver. It is hard to say if he was a better driver at this point or not as he was flying us into the void of space despite our destination being Mars. A look through first person told a different story from Akkar.

Then for awhile we were going nowhere! Akkar insisted that we were moving. Perhaps he had forgotten to fuel up the space ship before leaving. Eventually we got on the right track and were on our way to the red planet.

Zoom! Off we went!

Alas! We landed on Mars!

Things went awry and Akkar and I timed out at the same time, leaving Pic all by her lonesome on the red planet. Perhaps it was alien visitors wanting to meet with her!

Eventually Akkar and I returned to the planet to save Pic and to our surprise, the weather had turned for the worse and there was now some kind of martian sandstorm. Visibility was greatly reduced and the sky looked ominous. Was this the work of Pythas? Nay! It was just a large fart from the Lord of Wind!

The conversation turned a little strange when Akkar brought up eating bear. It turned out that Pic accidentally slept on a bear once.

After chilling on Mars for a bit, we decided it was time to check out the moon since it is the only other safe rock in this solar system. So Pic flew us to the moon where her and I played our Saxophones. The moon rocks enjoyed our little concert, it had been long since they heard live music if the had ever heard it at all.

Akkar joined in with his guitar, causing Pic to fall asleep on the moon.

We all gazed out upon the barren landscape of the moon. And decided it was time to return home.

We decided to do some flying in aircourse, where Pic managed to land a plane... on its roof...

We took many flights together, each one ending in doom of one kind or another. The plane exploded many times to many causes such as: colliding with trees, crashing into a ring, crashing into the ground, and crashing into the ocean. One time the plane actually bounced off one of the rings and then later exploded by clipping the ring with a wing. Over all, it was a beautiful night for flying.

Then later on, Pic landed a plane on its wheels! A feat that has never been accomplished by either of us during any of our adventures on P3D.

Pic has a message for Dice after landing her plane. Her face was dark and grim as she said:

And so with that victorious landing, we decided to call it a night on our adventure.

+1 by DaN, Pic, Dice, SecurityGuy and 2 others

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
29th October 2021, 01:08 PM

One of the best adventures so far ngl

+1 by Loki and Flynn

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