790 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th December 2021, 02:23 PM
The Devil, Diablo, Lucifer. He goes by uncountable names, almost every religions has a version of a fallen follower. Let's find out about HIM, he who deceives.
The most basic form that everyone knows about is The Serpent. The name being Nachash in Hebrew tongue. He deceives the first man and woman into eating of fruit that provides them knowledge of right and wrong. Some would say morality is good, but having your own judgement of right and wrong was seen as heretical by the writers of the Torah, if it was not from The Creator. What do other cultures have regarding serpents and snakes?
Egyptian mythos had a snake before creation, Amduat who created Ra. There were also serpents that protected the world from danger by wrapping themselves around it, such as Danh and Ouroboros. Hammurabi of Sumeria, like Egypt, saw snakes as something with healing properties. In China, humans were created by Nüwa the snake-headed woman. Ouroboros was a symbol of cycles, he bit his tail and was a symbol of life and death.
The Greeks did not see slithering beings as benevolent, in the Underworld there were the Gorgons, the most famous being Medusa, and ancient Hindus believed in Nagas, who were evil demi-gods. Norse mythos states evil was created by a wyrm named Nidhogg, who tried to strangle the tree Yggdrasil. In Slavic pagan lore, Veles resided over the land of the dead.
The most infamous and named snakes in mythos are most likely Leviathan and Jörmungandr. Both were said to be the size of the earth, and were snakes of the world.
After this, another mention of The Devil was in the Book of Job in Hebrew texts, theorized to be written before the Torah. Here, we find The Satan (SAH-TAUN), which in Hebrew means antithesis or rebuttal. In Jewish culture, they do not recognize and omni-malevolent figure, but as a metaphor for YETZER HARA (Evil Inclinations), or they would consider The Satan to be Samael (Angel of Death.) In Islam, he is named Shaitan (شيطان,) in the Quran, he is named Iblis, based on his Greek name, Diabolos. He is not evil, rather a tempter to do evil. Once again, a metaphor for evil inclinations and selfishness. Iblis refused to bow to Adam, since Iblis was created from fire, not of dirt. For this action, Allah expelled him to Jahannam (HELL) and became a kafir. After this, he became Al-Shaitan and turned mankind to evil. Another name for him is Al-Jinn, since he told Allah he was created from fire, similar to jinn. There's debate on if he's angel or djinn. There is also Satanism, which depending if it's theistic or not, either worships Satan (BAPHOMET) or self.
The Devil has many depictions, most popularly in Christianity. There are usually multiple devils (demons), early Christians considered false gods of other religions to be devils. Most commonly he was considered as the spirit of lies and deception. The Devil is a being who betrayed God and was condemned to The Lake of Fire (HELL). In the Gospels, he is called The Prince of The World. He is called Lucifer, there are many origins to the name Lucifer, it is the Latin Word for (O Shining One) based on the nephew of Baal, who attempted to be king of Canaanite gods and was cast out. This is a direct parallel to Christianity, when The Devil tried to be king of gods and was cast into hell. Hinduism has their form of the Devil, an aspect of deception, but was still part of Brahman, the supreme god.
Islamic Anti-Christ
Ahriman (Zoroastrianism)
As portrayed in Warhammer 40k
Diabolos (Greek)
The Evil One (Lord's Prayer)
Father of Lies (John 8:44)
Hades (Not Hades of Greek Mythos)
Lucifier/Athart (O SHINING ONE)
As portrayed by DC Comics
Venus (Not Venus of Roman Mythos, describes the Morningstar)
As portrayed by Marvel Comics
Der Leibhaftige
Teufal, Ruprecht (German)
Prince of Darkness, Prince of The World,
The Satan
The Serpent
Baal (Canaanite Mythos)
Ur, Isfet, Atum, Set, Tefnut (EGYPT)
Erlik (Turkic Mythos)
Cernunnos (Roman/Celtic Mythos)
Nidhogg (Norse Mythos)
Ahi, Sheshnag (Hinduism)
Quetzalcoatl (Serpentine god of Aztecs)
Diablo (Spanish)
Diavolo (Italian)
The most basic form that everyone knows about is The Serpent. The name being Nachash in Hebrew tongue. He deceives the first man and woman into eating of fruit that provides them knowledge of right and wrong. Some would say morality is good, but having your own judgement of right and wrong was seen as heretical by the writers of the Torah, if it was not from The Creator. What do other cultures have regarding serpents and snakes?
Egyptian mythos had a snake before creation, Amduat who created Ra. There were also serpents that protected the world from danger by wrapping themselves around it, such as Danh and Ouroboros. Hammurabi of Sumeria, like Egypt, saw snakes as something with healing properties. In China, humans were created by Nüwa the snake-headed woman. Ouroboros was a symbol of cycles, he bit his tail and was a symbol of life and death.
The Greeks did not see slithering beings as benevolent, in the Underworld there were the Gorgons, the most famous being Medusa, and ancient Hindus believed in Nagas, who were evil demi-gods. Norse mythos states evil was created by a wyrm named Nidhogg, who tried to strangle the tree Yggdrasil. In Slavic pagan lore, Veles resided over the land of the dead.
The most infamous and named snakes in mythos are most likely Leviathan and Jörmungandr. Both were said to be the size of the earth, and were snakes of the world.
After this, another mention of The Devil was in the Book of Job in Hebrew texts, theorized to be written before the Torah. Here, we find The Satan (SAH-TAUN), which in Hebrew means antithesis or rebuttal. In Jewish culture, they do not recognize and omni-malevolent figure, but as a metaphor for YETZER HARA (Evil Inclinations), or they would consider The Satan to be Samael (Angel of Death.) In Islam, he is named Shaitan (شيطان,) in the Quran, he is named Iblis, based on his Greek name, Diabolos. He is not evil, rather a tempter to do evil. Once again, a metaphor for evil inclinations and selfishness. Iblis refused to bow to Adam, since Iblis was created from fire, not of dirt. For this action, Allah expelled him to Jahannam (HELL) and became a kafir. After this, he became Al-Shaitan and turned mankind to evil. Another name for him is Al-Jinn, since he told Allah he was created from fire, similar to jinn. There's debate on if he's angel or djinn. There is also Satanism, which depending if it's theistic or not, either worships Satan (BAPHOMET) or self.
The Devil has many depictions, most popularly in Christianity. There are usually multiple devils (demons), early Christians considered false gods of other religions to be devils. Most commonly he was considered as the spirit of lies and deception. The Devil is a being who betrayed God and was condemned to The Lake of Fire (HELL). In the Gospels, he is called The Prince of The World. He is called Lucifer, there are many origins to the name Lucifer, it is the Latin Word for (O Shining One) based on the nephew of Baal, who attempted to be king of Canaanite gods and was cast out. This is a direct parallel to Christianity, when The Devil tried to be king of gods and was cast into hell. Hinduism has their form of the Devil, an aspect of deception, but was still part of Brahman, the supreme god.
Islamic Anti-Christ
Ahriman (Zoroastrianism)
As portrayed in Warhammer 40k
Diabolos (Greek)
The Evil One (Lord's Prayer)
Father of Lies (John 8:44)
Hades (Not Hades of Greek Mythos)
Lucifier/Athart (O SHINING ONE)
As portrayed by DC Comics
Venus (Not Venus of Roman Mythos, describes the Morningstar)
As portrayed by Marvel Comics
Der Leibhaftige
Teufal, Ruprecht (German)
Prince of Darkness, Prince of The World,
The Satan
The Serpent
Baal (Canaanite Mythos)
Ur, Isfet, Atum, Set, Tefnut (EGYPT)
Erlik (Turkic Mythos)
Cernunnos (Roman/Celtic Mythos)
Nidhogg (Norse Mythos)
Ahi, Sheshnag (Hinduism)
Quetzalcoatl (Serpentine god of Aztecs)
Diablo (Spanish)
Diavolo (Italian)
5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
6th December 2021, 04:37 PM
This is too evil for dsghq bro
Still Mink
1,163 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
790 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
9th December 2021, 10:57 AM
Supermikey97 wrote on 9th December 2021, 10:04 AM:
Fun Fact: Mephisto (or Mephistopheles) in Marvel actually comes from German folklore. He is the top devil who appears in the play, "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.