7th July 2022

I get stuck in two ship

Made by Icicle in Penguin3D

161 posts
Seen 2nd May 2023
7th July 2022, 02:22 PM

I was explore look for people who rob the imperial bank because I joined the detetives and they say ask to bring back crime office so please bring back crime office for these penguins.

I explore and find a pirate ship on Cobia. I got stuck in pirate ship and could not leave and had to join to another room to leave because there was wood across the door. I was trap. So I say this to the person at the bank and they say tell us if it moves and I say ok but it did not move in that time. And I find another detetive on cobia and they are missing lion heads and a chair so I go look more because I already was on pirate ship and I got to a big ship with guns and a symbol on it. I try to go inside of big ship and it said access denied and then I was stuck and all I could see was the door and my rover puppy came out but I could not move or close the game and I was stuck. Maybe it is all reated or maybe they want to trap people and sail them away.

Bring back crime office so they can be revive and investigate this.

+1 by Loki, Ari and Mink, -1 by FeloniousGru, rami and Jacobg627

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