19th January 2023


Made by Zack TV in Penguin3D

Ya Daddy.
1,046 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th January 2023, 01:22 AM

Eh, I'm out.

P.S my quitting post before this one, was made in the haste of fear- fear of being banned before I could
get out one last post. (petty I know.)

CZ got boring.

It went from changing, from pirates, to wizards, to gangsters, to.. Shrek? And also I guess also Disney? And.. Ice Ghosts??

Early CZ was changing and innovative, this is when CZ had passion. this was the rise.

Crimezone than found it's next subject matter, being Starwars- this consisted of the Sith and Jedi (very lucrative and hard to secure positions) under gods.

Pythas & Orome (basically, maybe Manwe.)

This was also, very dope. Probably the best experiences came from this early Starwars experience.

And the golden age of this CZ lasted long, but- eventually it reached its peak.

from there, CZ never innovated again. Creativity dried up like an empty well.
Sith and Jedi went from sacred and important roles, to being thrown out like candy.

Lightsabers which had once been coveted, and respected- were now bought and sold regularly. At first, through in-game trading...

And than later through create, LITERALLY bought and sold regularly.

Crimezone would try to break free from it's Starwars chains however would never succeed. Eventually Crimezone repeated itself like a broken record, unable to find the creativity to wow it's once clamoring crowd.

Stagnation, left only few clapping hands in the echoes of past crowds.

Crimezone teaches a very important lesson, one I think we can all learn.. something from at least.

Whenever you do not improve, and stay stagnant, and never fully break away from your tired and used up tropes- people eventually leave you.

And, after all of my friends from the OG sith days have departed...

This time there really is nothing left for me to return to.

It was fun, friends one and all.

+1 by Mirrikh, Varai, Jesse and Flame, -1 by Wheeler
"Abso • lutely not a Pe • do"!

CEO of Lorefiix
2,037 posts
Seen 2nd August 2024
19th January 2023, 02:24 AM

Ohhh come on wilf its not this bloody hard is it.

+1 by Wheeler

Lol and fart

76 posts
Seen 18th March 2023
19th January 2023, 06:52 AM

Very bog standard good bye. I never thought I would be writing any kind of response to be honest.
But here you can get a deep analysis, on what I'm going to speak on. May Allah bless everyone with peace of mind, understanding and most importantly not allow intrusive thoughts to come to those around others. Because if someone gets these thoughts, someone can somehow get them too. And it messes with your head.
Anyways, should we start? Okay let's start.
You seem to have every rank possibly imaginable and yet you get banned for inappropriate behaviour. That speaks true volumes. You know the kind of volumes in one's actions? If you was really was a likeable person, as this community relies heavily on what you call "Double Standards" playing favourites in every corner of the word, even every turn to exercise ZERO%% freedom of anything. Realistically, I have no shadow of a doubt on that one. So, it was always up to You.... If you wanted to have a place in it. It's not everyday, you see the word "Double Standards" but here you always got to play favourites. I only came here in December, almost nearest to one month. And I'm starting to see everything for what it truly is. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole community left by how terrible the game is being running through the course of several years. If this was a start up community, you could play as many favourites as you want but this site has a lot of users registered on it as of 2023. How long until extinction comes? I'll say at best maybe, 2 more years max and people will see the desperation in every single thing that happens. You must open your eyes to see the truth. Otherwise, you will end up like Zack TV thinking this whole thing is a real way to cope with in real world struggles and unfortunately get banned for how you perceived things for what they truly are. Inappropriate behaviour, is the worst kind of thing to get banned for because you can never come back from it but you can be around still if you get unbanned but, you will never be trusted as anything but normal user. Truth of the matter is, once you break what TRUST and RESPECT it's extremely hard to earn it back, because this community relies heavily on what you call favourites, Double Standards is another word for it. The commitment of everyone is only to play, but the role of the staff is much greater. As they must be extremely good and yet, I'm seeing some of them slipping from their set roles and duties. I was personally thinking about making a account on one of the DSGHQ platforms, but y'all can forget it now. I'm not even going to play any of the games, because I know what this place does to someone. They make everything you believe fictitious until there's no way out. If Edge of Night was real, then this whole community would probably be on the EDGE of extinction, because of how poorly written it is and the pictures used are nothing more then Goolge photoshop.... Oh wait, my bad.... It's already at the EDGE of being extinct. And the more Edge of Night continues, the more this site will be getting closer to being no more then a memory. Because of how much rubbish Edge of Night truly is. I never read anything as bad as that but it's cool to see people with delusions of becoming a book author, when all they do is waste their life online. And the novelty on this so called stories they've made are nothing more then yesterday's news. But then again, better be ambitious and not true to yourself then actually go chase your dreams right? @ The person who "authored" the first 28 of the stories, in this Edge of Night episodes. To be honest, I only read the posts because I felt sorry and thought if I liked them I could also be surprised but obviously I never didn't "like" that's why when I read them I instantly had regret. For wasting my time reading that garbage.

As Zack TV pointed out, well tried to but didn't quite get straight there to the point. So I'll say it because he never actually said it. Even tho he didn't actually imply it either. Keep wasting your life on here or chase your dreams. The more you stay online, the more chances you eventually become a adult but nobody.

Quran Surah An-Nahl, (The Bee)16:96:
What is with you must vanish and what is with Allah will remain forever. And those who have shown patience, We will certainly reward the best of what they have done.

269 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th January 2023, 09:18 AM

Well now you're banned you are actually forced to leave for once.


The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th January 2023, 03:14 PM


little bro

+1 by Flame, -1 by Lex

Off the deep end
515 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th January 2023, 04:31 PM

I agree with you on the fact it fell back into the star wars part.. Kinda gets redundant and not to mention copyright, the game can't go anywhere, so even if it is good, it stagnates because it can't efficiently advertise without getting sued by Disney. Who we keep taking their stuff and being like wooooo crimezone. Its fun and all but its killing the community as a whole.

+1 by Mirrikh
On strike

178 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th January 2023, 05:26 PM

why is it called crime zone in the first place?

Anyway, here's my idea

factions led by elemental masters from whom you can ask for stuff and powers related to their element in exchange for joining their faction

+1 by Flame and kace

Menace to Society
288 posts
Seen 27th May 2023
19th January 2023, 05:53 PM

flameknight333 wrote on 19th January 2023, 04:31 PM:
I agree with you on the fact it fell back into the star wars part.. Kinda gets redundant and not to mention copyright, the game can't go anywhere, so even if it is good, it stagnates because it can't efficiently advertise without getting sued by Disney. Who we keep taking their stuff and being like wooooo crimezone. Its fun and all but its killing the community as a whole.
Feels like we need a hard reset on CZ

+1 by Flame
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

221 posts
Seen 20th January 2023
19th January 2023, 06:29 PM

wizle wrote on 19th January 2023, 01:22 AM:
Eh, I'm out.
P.S my quitting post before this one, was made in the haste of fear- fear of being banned before I could
get out one last post. (petty I know.)
CZ got boring.
It went from changing, from pirates, to wizards, to gangsters, to.. Shrek? And also I guess also Disney? And.. Ice Ghosts??
Early CZ was changing and innovative, this is when CZ had passion. this was the rise.
Crimezone than found it's next subject matter, being Starwars- this consisted of the Sith and Jedi (very lucrative and hard to secure positions) under gods.
Pythas & Orome (basically, maybe Manwe.)
This was also, very dope. Probably the best experiences came from this early Starwars experience.
And the golden age of this CZ lasted long, but- eventually it reached its peak.
from there, CZ never innovated again. Creativity dried up like an empty well.
Sith and Jedi went from sacred and important roles, to being thrown out like candy.
Lightsabers which had once been coveted, and respected- were now bought and sold regularly. At first, through in-game trading...
And than later through create, LITERALLY bought and sold regularly.
Crimezone would try to break free from it's Starwars chains however would never succeed. Eventually Crimezone repeated itself like a broken record, unable to find the creativity to wow it's once clamoring crowd.
Stagnation, left only few clapping hands in the echoes of past crowds.
Crimezone teaches a very important lesson, one I think we can all learn.. something from at least.
Whenever you do not improve, and stay stagnant, and never fully break away from your tired and used up tropes- people eventually leave you.
And, after all of my friends from the OG sith days have departed...
This time there really is nothing left for me to return to.
It was fun, friends one and all.

what are you gonna do, move to the Appalachian mountains?


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