24th May 2023

DSGHQ Shutting Down

Made by Damen in Announcements

209 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
24th May 2023, 06:18 PM

Feels like yesterday when I made an account here and repeatedly got myself banned, and I honestly wouldn't give up those memories for anything. The people here have become an integral part of my being, and although most of us no longer speak, I hold them very close to my heart. It's been quite the ride and I am eternally grateful for it, both good and bad. Thank you all for 10 years of tears and laughter, and best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
Hashir wrote on 24th May 2023, 06:06 PM:
I've met a lot of long term friends on this community so it stings a lot that it is closing soon enough. But that's how life is. Thank you for the years. I was 10 when this forums was first made and now I'm 20. Crazy how life flies
You are washed old man

+1 by rami, Wheeler, Tommo, eugee and 6 others

679 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th May 2023, 06:19 PM

damn i joined oldcp when i was 8 and now i’m 18 and it’s hurts to see a community in which i would spend a fair amount of my childhood in just end like that. i have made friends who i never planned to stay in long term touch with as i was only a child, but that has changed however with growing up and i thank you for creating this platform where we were able to meet these people. it is sad to see it finally go but hopefully everyone also has those people they are able to take out of the community to stay long term friends with

+1 by Tommo, Kara, Bailey, Zaron and 9 others

199 posts
Seen 20th August 2024
24th May 2023, 06:20 PM

I know I haven't been that active in recent years but I will miss this place. Used to love browsing around and seeing whats going on. I remember registering for this site the day it came out (hence my ID). Oldcp was one of the first cpps I ever joined back in the day. To eveyone who may have or may have not known me... I will miss you all.

+1 by Wheeler, Hashir, jackie, Kara and 6 others

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th May 2023, 06:30 PM

Ive been here basically my whole life, thanks for creating something this special Damen, I dont think any of us will truly forget you or what you created.

+1 by Tommo, Kara, Bailey, Zaron and 6 others

3 posts
Seen 7th June 2023
24th May 2023, 07:24 PM

It was an honor to serve as the head of the military-industrial complex and create some unforgettable memories. Despite my main still being banned, for good reason, I will cherish the times I had and some of my best friends that I had made on this platform. There are a lot to name, but they know who they are.

We had a good thing going on, and I can say wholeheartedly that it is a fitting end!

+1 by Kara, Wheeler, Bailey, Tommo and 4 others

282 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th May 2023, 07:38 PM

It was a good ride. Good memories were made here, and I met a lot of friends which I speak to until this day. It even helped me choose my career!
Thank you for all, will never forget this place.

Good luck to everyone in their lives <3

+1 by jackie, Kara, Wheeler, Bailey and 7 others

9 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
24th May 2023, 07:59 PM

This is the time to apologize for all the damage I have done and I will change, I hope one day to see you again

+1 by Kara, Wheeler, Bailey, Tommo and 5 others

4 posts
Seen 28th September 2024
24th May 2023, 08:01 PM

ngl i wish i charged money for revives

+1 by Tommo, Damen, rami, Gamer and 2 others, -1 by Ari

9 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
24th May 2023, 08:02 PM

this day is the most sad

+1 by Kara, Wheeler, Bailey, Tommo and 4 others

9 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
24th May 2023, 08:03 PM

This is the time to apologize for all the damage I have done and I will change, I hope one day to see you again. and i hope penguin 3d will one day have a spiritual successor but when i know how to program in unity i will try to bring it back in a big way with merchandise etc.

+1 by Wheeler, Damen, Ari and TerryDJ

2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th May 2023, 08:12 PM

No words can describe how this feels for me.

DSGHQ has and always will be close in my heart. I grew up here. I started here when I was 10, I’m now 21, about to be 22.

I gained interest in majority of the things I do now because of this community and the games within it. I would have never tried programming if Damen hadn’t encouraged me. I wouldn’t understand how servers work if Damen hadn’t taught me.

Damen, I am sad to see DSGHQ go, but I am very proud and happy to see you continue on in your development adventures. You gave all of us so many great memories, I know with the next games you develop, you will be creating many more great memories for many other childhoods. Thank you for your hard work with DSGHQ. Without it, I and many others here wouldn’t be who we are today.

DSGHQ will live on forever in our hearts. ❤️😭😭

+1 by Wheeler, Zes, Bailey, Loki and 9 others


4 posts
Seen 28th September 2024
24th May 2023, 08:21 PM

In all seriousness bro thank you for everything you did for all of us. I'm sure you made tons of sacrifices to keep us all happy as kids and i'm glad to have been able to play your games and have all that fun. Thank u for trusting me with a lot of things toward the end of my time

Im sure this is all for the best and I hope the rest of your life goes well and you continue to be happy and successful.

+1 by Zaron, Damen, Ari, Gamer and 2 others

586 posts
Seen 24th October 2021
24th May 2023, 08:50 PM

nah i cant lie man i shed a tear, this hittin hard :( I dont really come on anymore cuz mans are all growin up as u said but I happened to come on and see this and am sad to see that the days finally come considering all the lessons ive learned, how hard being apart of dsghq impacted me as a person, and the memories and life long friends ive made here. All good things must come to an end as bittersweet as it is.

crazy how i just wanted to try out an old cp replica for the nostalgia but ended up finding this amazing community. The people i've met here have been there for me through my toughest times and when i mentally reached rock bottom, and they're still there for me everyday till this day.

It's all a story we can tell our kids about when we older

Thanks for everything Damen, i'll never forget this community, u had a huge impact on all our lives and hope u stay in touch man

and to everyone else, no matter whether we hated each other or were best friends at one point or only had 1 conversation, i truly wish you all an amazing and successful life. I cant be happier that we all connected over this

this the closure we all need :)

love all yall, farewell


+1 by Gamer, Bailey, Loki, Lily1117 and 7 others

Ya Daddy.
1,046 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th May 2023, 09:30 PM

And so it ends, In August my birthday- sadly.

Goodbye friends.

+1 by Bailey, Damen, Ari, Gamer and 3 others
"Abso • lutely not a Pe • do"!

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th May 2023, 10:00 PM

All good things must come to an end. I’ll forever be thankful for this place because I practically grew up here just like everyone else did. I joined when I was 12 back in 2013 and it’s crazy to think I’m now 22 and have been part of this community for almost half of my life.

Thank you, Damen, for being such a great owner and a great person. I know we don’t talk much but I’d like to keep in touch afterwards, if we can.

One of my fondest memories was probably winning Game of Mods along with Key and Bakon. Also, becoming World Champion in the fall of 2014. I’ll never forget those days.

Again, thank you, Damen, for creating so many memories for me and everyone else here. I know I might have been problematic in the past, but that was the old me and I’ve definitely changed since then. So thank you for allowing me to grow as a person in this community. I’ll definitely miss this place once it’s gone.

Also, thank you to anyone that has ever talked to me on here. We may not talk anymore but I’m forever grateful to those who took the time to interact with me, whether if it was a lot or a little.

Anyways, thank you Damen for everything you’ve done for this community you’ve built and brought together. We all came here because of one common interest, and that being Club Penguin, so for that, I’ll say to everyone; good luck and waddle on. ❤️

+1 by Lily1117, Damen, Ari, teig and 9 others

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