4th July 2023

#Free Bag

Made by Zack TV in The Lounge

Ya Daddy.
1,046 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
4th July 2023, 01:37 PM

Hi, Wilf here.

Recently Based Bag (Mirrikh) the pimp daddy of wheelchair accessibility was banned for posting "inappropriate pictures" within the DSGHQ discord.

However, I too have posted lewd imagery of Pythas and his so-called "great sword". You may look at this post, a disgruntled administrator or moderator of the DSGHQ forums, and say to yourself;

"Than I'll just ban you, and be morally correct."

You see, I come from a counter-culture within DSGHQ- the Draconians who have suffered and endured through all the travesty allotted by Crime Zone and its participants.
Our solution for this brutal hardship was to be the most hindering of the player base.

Of course this meant doing things such as murder, genocide, human trafficking, and extorsion- even tax evasion from time to time.

The Draconians to me represent a portion of the player base who never got their foot in the door like all you goodie two shoes, so resorted to becoming trolls of the highest caliber.
Many a moon I recall me and the "homies" sitting around planning devious orchestrated acts of domestic terrorism. Instead of getting our large toe sucked by the crime zone god
of the week- most of us resorted to using them as sugar daddies to extend and fund our acts of shenaniganry. Of course these actions weren't ever endorsed publicly by DSGHQ, however
they ended up helping the Dracs become more of a "chaotic" force than the edge lord sith rip off Damen and his "Thug Hunters" wished us to be.

Basically, Mirrikh and all those who have been banned- despite their wrongdoings, have just enough reason to be here like the rest of us.

If we truly believed as Ellys put it "You shouldn't have done anything wrong", we'd all be banned and probably happier. So essentially-

Please for the sake of great jimmy stop acting like a Reddit mod and unban everyone for at least the last MONTH or two of this site's existence.

If you don't then karma shall strike you down, not karma as in the force of life, karma as in I'm going to dislike your post and cause you to lose "reputation".

It's been Wilf, and I'm expecting to get a lot of back lash on this post.

Because why consider being nice and moral while following Damen's principle of "forgive and forget", when you can be petty and utilize the virtual power of authority given to you on a dying forums website.

Goodbye, and god bless freedom of speech.

+1 by Ari, -1 by Miromeski
"Abso • lutely not a Pe • do"!

Ya Daddy.
1,046 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
4th July 2023, 01:41 PM

P.S With exceptions, I don't think we should unban the more unsavory uhm.. forgive for my language but seeing as this post will inevitably cause some sort of back lash I'll be specific;

Don't unban the pedophiles and scammers, but everyone else should be given a chance to say their last good byes to this website that's been apart of so many people's childhoods.

+1 by Ari
"Abso • lutely not a Pe • do"!

CEO of Lorefiix
2,037 posts
Seen 2nd August 2024
4th July 2023, 04:58 PM

free cyberwolf.

Lol and fart

9 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
16th July 2023, 09:01 PM

bro this is a community for the whole family there is no reason to defend someone who did that kind of thing It's not like he said a bad word there, yes, you'd be right, but if you leave him alone, maybe you're a multi-account of his trying to get your main account unbanned

OG ?
1,498 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
18th July 2023, 10:20 AM

i refuse to believe you people on here are real why u speakin like some try hard

basedbag is racist too lest not forget 💯
Ayancito23 wrote on 16th July 2023, 09:01 PM:
bro this is a community for the whole family there is no reason to defend someone who did that kind of thing It's not like he said a bad word there, yes, you'd be right, but if you leave him alone, maybe you're a multi-account of his trying to get your main account unbanned

hi son

+1 by Xvoid

813 posts
Seen 13th August 2023
18th July 2023, 11:16 AM

rasberry wrote on 18th July 2023, 10:20 AM:
i refuse to believe you people on here are real why u speakin like some try hard
basedbag is racist too lest not forget 💯
Ayancito23 wrote on 16th July 2023, 09:01 PM:
bro this is a community for the whole family there is no reason to defend someone who did that kind of thing It's not like he said a bad word there, yes, you'd be right, but if you leave him alone, maybe you're a multi-account of his trying to get your main account unbanned
hi son

let them know king

+1 by Ras

9 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
18th July 2023, 04:32 PM

i still refuse to believe they made him king of nargorthrond

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