6th December 2013
1 view

Times Are Tough (9th Poem)

Made by CPManiac in Help and Support

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
6th December 2013, 11:36 AM

Hello every penguin! As you probably all know, OldCp has been shut down by Damen, for the host has been really slow. This poem is about not to give up, even when times get harder. It is about never giving up hope, because a lot of penguins do that, whether to bullies, or to slow servers, or whatever the case is, but you cannot give up now. Listen to this poem, and it might cheer you up ;)

"OldCp was a fun game, since OldCpV1.
More was made, many accolades, and Damen got a son.
There soon came another, and as time went on,
The game became popular, and penguins had a special bond.

Soon it was V5, V6, and V7,
And with all the updates, it did seem like heaven.
But more time went on, the host started breaking,
And the more problems, the more time it was taking.

The servers were down, a lot every week.
It seemed like OldCp, had reached it's peak.
Damen tried harder, but nothing had worked.
Penguins were leaving, and we all went berserk.

Penguins had feared, that this day would come.
They would lose everything, their rhythm and their hum.
But just as hope was lost, in a day of November,
Damen had spoken, "This isn't the last for each of you members.

He explained how PenguinIsles, the new game was here.
Some were in joy, but some were in fear.
For Damen shut down, the game they adored,
But still Damen said, "Just wait and find more.

So don't give up hope,
And hey, don't you cry,
For I am here for you,
And to tell you this pass-by."

Of course, OldCp was never a pass-by, but it is now gone, and we need to cheer up, for Damen has made a new game, with more fun and adventures.

There by your side.

+1 by PenguinDSC, RoyalStar, Damen, Preston and 3 others

194 posts
6th December 2013, 11:44 AM

This is amazing! Good job CPmaniac! I also love your picture of "shoot for the sky" you are very inspiring! I'm finally not bullied anymore. But someone forgot who I am, and I'm still pretty sad.. But other than that, you keep people going! I wish I could do a +100 like on this post. Just for helping and making us feel better :)!!! But, I can only do +1, but hey, every penny counts :).

+1 by CPManiac
made by Music :).
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie :).
By ThePast

244 posts
Seen 2nd June 2014
6th December 2013, 03:55 PM

Well, I don't like that poem , But its all true. Good work Maniac'io(As I called you) .

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