8th December 2013
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Forum Head Moderator?

Made by PenguinDSC in Help and Support

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2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
8th December 2013, 11:53 AM

Ok, So I noticed that since Pickle1020 is gone as a Forum Moderator, There is not a Head Moderator on the forum anymore. Who is going to take his place? I was wondering that, and also I was wondering, what is a Head Moderator's job? Is it to still do their job and also watch the other Moderators to see how they do their job? I am confused, could someone help me answer this?

If you can, thx! I really think since there is not a forum Moderator at the moment, Damen should decide on one who can work harder with their job.

Dream On!

272 posts
Seen 26th February 2015
8th December 2013, 11:55 AM

Ok, So I noticed that since Pickle1020 is gone as a Forum Moderator, There is not a Head Moderator on the forum anymore. Who is going to take his place? I was wondering that, and also I was wondering, what is a Head Moderator's job? Is it to still do their job and also watch the other Moderators to see how they do their job? I am confused, could someone help me answer this?

If you can, thx! I really think since there is not a forum Moderator at the moment, Damen should decide on one who can work harder with their job.

Dream On!


Your right :) its confusing me, Im still wishing on a star for mod :P

~Your dreamer, Ilse

Kitty Chesire Is looking at you.

2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
8th December 2013, 12:06 PM

I think we should have a head moderator, that would be efficient. I don't know who it would be though. Also, Damen would let us know if he makes one, I'm sure.

Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!

322 posts
Seen 31st July 2015
8th December 2013, 12:22 PM

First, head moderator well I think is, what Penguin said and I agree. It is probably to watch other moderators to see how they act. Also, I think they are the future administrator for forums. He should decide Damen might soon I guess. Great post this is interesting when I first read this. So, I agree count me also as a questioner!! ;)

~Furry On!

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
8th December 2013, 01:31 PM

Yeah, there should be an actual rank called Head Moderator so everyone wouldn't have to fight who's Head Moderator.

If just Damen said that a certain user is the head Moderator, people would fight over who's the head Moderator.

If there was an actual rank called Head Moderator, then yes, that would be useful.

His job would be like an Administrator In-Training.

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