13th December 2013
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Recall: Worst Day Of My Life

Made by States Backup in Reports

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
13th December 2013, 09:17 PM

I'm reporting the worst day of my life.
It was at school...



One day of school, I wake up, at 9:30 A.M. I freak out, and I say, "AWK!!! I'M GONNA MISS THE SCHOOL BUSS!!!" I get out of bed, I run to the bathroom. I take down my pants, and do my business. Then I run to the dining room, grab a macaroon, and stuff it down my throat. Then, I grab the milk jug, and take out a carton. In less than 1 second, I chug down the entire carton. Then, I throw on a sweatshirt, throw on a jacket, and run outside. It is -10 Degrees, Celsius, so I am, like, freezing to death. I am waiting for the school bus. Then, it gets to -20 Degrees, Celsius, so I run inside of my house, and go upstairs to my room to get my 7-layered jacket. Then, I run downstairs, and look out of the window of my basement. I see the bus at my neighbor's house. I knew it was a bad idea and a waste of time to go to the basement. Anyway, I go out of the basement door, and dash toward my driveway. The bus doesn't even LOOK at me, I mean the bus driver, and it just passes to my neighbor on the other side. I dash toward the bus, waving and waving. Eventually, I'm unsafely in the middle of the street, bumping on my bus driver's window.
Then, I give up. I climb on the bus, and ride on the top. When we reach the school, I see Mrs. Karons looking at me with gigantic eyes. I jump off the bus, and ask, "Why you looking at me so awkwardly?" "Because... (shutters) you (shutters) were on the top (shutters) of the (shutters) bus!!!" she says. I explain to her the whole story. She hugs and kisses me, I felt like I wanted to marry her, even though she is not one of my favorite teachers. Anyway, I run into school and tell my friend Zack the entire story. He freaks out, and doesn't believe me. I show him video-taped proof. I video-taped it, because I thought it might come in handy. You never know when things will come into use. Anyway, he freaked out. I just nodded. "Yep" I said.
I forgot to tell you guys something... I put on 11 layers, but guess what was the 1st layer? Pajamas. I didn't put on proper school clothes. I freak out as I take of my jacket. Everyone laughs at me, and I get out a water gun, and my paper bullet. The paper bullet is stuffed with metal spheres, little ones, and it's painted with acrylic paint. It looked like a REAL pack of bullets. So, I stuff the fake stuff into the water gun. I shoot it at the Main Bully who started the laughter over me. He ran away, as I swiped down his pants and my entire homeroom laughed at him and picked me up in the air as they cheered my name over and over again feeding me Lemon-Flavored Tootsie Rolls, King-Sized. I felt like I was in heaven with all these Lemon-Flavor bursts of flavor. So then, you guys think it's the BEST day ever, but no. The day isn't finished. After that, it's math time. I get a D- on my homework, and Gina get's an A++ and shoves it in my face. And everyones' face, in fact. She always does that, even to my friend Francis, which gets constant A's. She brags she has A++s and Francis only gets A's. Gina sucks. Anyway, so, when math is over, it's darn social studies time. I go through all of it, get a C, and go on with life. It's time for Writing/Reading. I grab a quick book, and slowly go through all the pages, pretending to read. Then, the teacher always comes over, and asks about the book, to prove that we're really reading. I forgot about that, and I had nothing to say. I got detention for 2 weeks, and so did Teddy and Francis, because they were my FRIENDS. My teacher was so strict, that she punishes me AND my friends, just because THEY appreciate me. I hate that, she's so selfish. So, when I enter the detention room, I say, "Lightbulb!" slowly. That means I have an idea. So, I run back to my classroom, I go through the vent. Without my teacher noticing, or any of my classmates, I grab a detention slip. I write the information, a.k.a my teacher's name, Francis, Teddy, and I, our names, and the reason she put us in detention. But, I wrote "I'm mean and there's not reason I sent these innocent kids to detention.". Then, I come to the detention room, and hypnotize the detention teacher so she will forget about our old detention slips. Then I show her the one I made. She lets us out, and then it's recess time. Francis, Teddy, and I, run to the blacktop. We grab a basketball, and choose to play against each other. Kids were still laughing about my pajama incident. Then, the posse of popular girls walks up to me and pulls down my pants. Everyone laughs, as they see my Spider-Man underwear. Don't blame me, it's my weird twin-sibling's underpants. All mine were dirty and used for months. So, everyone laughed. I asked the recess monitoring staff member if I could go to the nurse. I got out my handy art kit, a small box, it fits in a pocket. So, I take it out, and get out a marker. It's called "Blood-Color". Then I tell the recess monitor I have a bloody nose. I actually just used the blood-color marker on the ends of my nostrils. So, she lets me in, and I go past the nurse. I have a variety of handy colors, I used dry-erase on purpose, so I could get it off. I used my index finger to wipe off the dry-erase marker, and went to the nurse. I told her the bloody-nose situation, although it was a prank to get something from school. She says, "You have no bloody nose, go back to recess." I say, "Okay, it went away I guess.". Then the nurse nods. I turn around, then grin. I walk out of the nurse's office, and grab my 13-Pocket binder, hardcore. It weighs 12 POUNDS. Yeah, it's heavy. So I carry it outside, no harm done, and go up to the girls' posse. The "Pop Gals" which is the name of the posse for the popular girls. I take the binder and knock out all the girls in the posse. I knock them out as fast as a snap, but the main popular girl, the one who pulled down my pants, I smacked lightly first, so she turned around. She said, "ow." not enthusiastically. Then I do it harder. She's about to grab the binder out of my hands, when the awesome part comes in. I knock her out. Then, she gets knocked out SLOWLY. That's good, because she got it PAINFULLY. HARDCORE. So, then, she gets a piece of my medicine.
Anyway, I got pantsed, and horrible grades.

That is the story of my worst day ever.

+1 by GirlyGirly, Grace, Nintendo, PenguinDSC and 1 other

331 posts
Seen 1st November 2015
13th December 2013, 09:27 PM

I didn't know your life is so.... full of events!
My WORST day ever was... well, my BESTIE asked out the guy she KNEW that I liked.
He said yeah, but he actually didn't like her. It just wasn't in his heart to say no.
They broke up a day later, and then he asked me out. So I got happy and stuff, and his birthday is on the 17th!!!!

So, I guess the moral is that nobody's life is exactly a fairy tale. Yep, bad things happen. ALL THE TIME! But you know what else? As long as you pull yourself together, and stay strong, you will make it through. Because the good can be disguised.

~GirlyGirly :)

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
13th December 2013, 09:31 PM

I just realized, I had a way worse day.

+1 by Harrypot9

2,580 posts
Seen 11th November 2019
13th December 2013, 09:39 PM

When you said I got a D- and Gina got an A++ then rubbed it in my face, sounded so much like Big Nate, lol. Is that where you got it from?

617 posts
Seen 18th October 2015
13th December 2013, 09:47 PM

I find this like so realistic,because my sister has been around the popular boys,and they make fun of her. You know the funny thing is,they have a crush on her,I find that hilarious. So,whenever i see them,around my sister,making fun of her,I come in and say "Hey! Quit flirting with my little sister!" And everyone laughs. It is funny,because the popular ones got owned. My sister isn't made fun of,by anyone else. Only those boys. Hehe. I am so a snitch. :3 Who cares?

+1 by GirlyGirly
insert signature here

331 posts
Seen 1st November 2015
13th December 2013, 09:56 PM

I know right?!
Yeah, I'm definitely a clown when it comes to flirting and just... life. I know how to make peoples day with just a smile, and I laugh REALLY easily.
I love seeing positiveness...
and I find it often!

~GirlyGirly :)

91 posts
Seen 16th February 2014
13th December 2013, 11:41 PM

THIS. IS. SO. LONG. I COULDN'T SURVIVE TYPING THAT! But I sure loved reading that :3 Hint hint? News news? Please please?

Dis is mah camera his name is cheesey

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