15th December 2013

How to Make better Signatures

Made by CPManiac in Help and Support

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
15th December 2013, 05:24 PM

Hey there! I have a quick easy tip that can help you with big signatures, but first, how to make a signature the easy way:

First Easy Way:

Step 1) Go to Google, and look up a picture you want.
Step 2) Copy that signature's url, and paste it onto your signature in "Edit Profile"
Step 3) Push save, and your signature will be on all your posts at the bottom.

Second Easy Way:

Step 1) Go to Google, and get a picture.
Step 2) Copy the image, and paste it on Paint.
Step 3) Customize it how you want.
Step 4) Save the picture, and go to a place like photobucket.com
Step 5) Upload the picture, and copy that image url.
Step 6) Edit your profile and put your signature in.
Step 7) Push save, and your signature will be on all your posts at the bottom.

Now, let us learn how to make a signature smaller:

How to Change the size of a signature:

Step 1) Copy the picture that you have in your signature that you want to change the size.
Step 2) Paste this onto Paint, and look for the button that says "Resize".
Step 3) Change the size of your picture, and save your image.
Step 4) Go to a place like photobucket.com, and upload your image.
Step 5) Copy your image url, and put it back in your signature.

You now have a smaller/larger signature you can use for your profile.

Let us now discuss How to put 2 or more signatures on 1 line.

How to put 2 or more signatures on 1 line:

Step 1) Go to your profile, and push "Edit profile".
Step 2) Look for the part that says "signatures", and click in that box.
Step 3) Backspace on a line behind the
Step 4) Press save, and you now have more than 1 signature on a line.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this helped you!

Waddle On!

+1 by stompnbob, jay, Moshi, Archie and 4 others

398 posts
Seen 27th August 2020
15th December 2013, 05:26 PM

thank you cpmaniac. This post is really useful. Keep up these helpful posts. +1

+1 by CPManiac and x

597 posts
Seen 8th February 2023
15th December 2013, 05:28 PM

Great post!!!! This is very helpful! Now I shall TRY to make one! +1

+1 by CPManiac and x
hi i am moshi

2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th December 2013, 05:29 PM

Good Job CpManiac.
This will help newbies know what to do.

+1 by CPManiac and x

2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
15th December 2013, 05:32 PM

Great job! Making signatures are known to be difficult, you've just simplified the process!

+1 by CPManiac

Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
15th December 2013, 05:35 PM

Really good post!!!! :)

+1 by CPManiac and x

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