16th December 2013

I am new!

Made by Black in Help and Support

15 posts
16th December 2013, 06:44 PM

Hi everyone! I am Black. I am Dice's brother, and I have many other brothers... I am new to the forum! Will someone show me around? Dice is being a brat and not showing me around... :P Now Dice told me one thing; that he hates... He said that like, moderators can ID someone... He said he get's mad when someone ID's him. If you ID us, we will be the same. It's only because we are brothers. We do not have our own labtop. (Except Rudolf, but he was being a brat, also... :P) So can anyone help me?

+1 by x, Scott, Dice, jay and 1 other

A signature made by CPManiac.

956 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
16th December 2013, 06:48 PM

Are you sam12? Cause I can ask dice and he can tell me if it is u, I'll report you to a mod/admin imminently

-1 by Black

Hopes And Dreams
757 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
16th December 2013, 06:48 PM

Welcome to the OldCP forums, Black! This is basically the blog of OldCP (Penguin Chat 4). If you need any help, you can PM me or, if you click on my profile, I have my forum email.
Have fun!

+1 by x and Black
Carry on, my wayward son.

15 posts
16th December 2013, 06:51 PM

Are you sam12? Cause I can ask dice and he can tell me if it is u, I'll report you to a mod/admin imminently
No! Who's Sam12? I have never heard of him... I will ask Storm. Dice is pretty grumpy. (He never got his coffee... XD)

A signature made by CPManiac.

15 posts
16th December 2013, 06:52 PM

Welcome to the OldCP forums, Black! This is basically the blog of OldCP (Penguin Chat 4). If you need any help, you can PM me or, if you click on my profile, I have my forum email.

Have fun!

Okie dokie! I am not asking Dice 'cause he's grumpy. He never got his mid-morning coffee... XD

A signature made by CPManiac.

2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
16th December 2013, 06:52 PM

Hello Black.
You can go to the Tutorial Page and the Rules page to learn about this community.
I will tell you some things you could learn.

Here are the things you can become.

Banned- never come here ever.
Rookie- a starter
Moderator-lower rank than Administrator
Administraror- the best one

Here are the MOST importantt rules.

Do not cuss including with these. (*)
Do not swear.
Do not bully + cyber-bully
Do not give away your password.(you can become hacked & banned)

Those are just things you should know.
If you need much more help, ask Damen the owner, admins,mods,or a trusted user.
Have a nice day!

+1 by Mycroft and Black

Hopes And Dreams
757 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
16th December 2013, 06:53 PM

Are you sam12? Cause I can ask dice and he can tell me if it is u, I'll report you to a mod/admin imminently
No! Who's Sam12? I have never heard of him... I will ask Storm. Dice is pretty grumpy. (He never got his coffee... XD)
Black is probably a new user, so calm down. I'm sure he doesn't even know Sam12.

+1 by Black
Carry on, my wayward son.

956 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
16th December 2013, 06:53 PM

Ok listen, Dice has 2 brothers and your one of them. P.S Dice is 8 he shouldn't drink coffee. And also in the picture of him in a pool he has 2 sisters... WHERE ARE YOU!!??!

+1 by Black

956 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
16th December 2013, 06:54 PM

Srry bout that i forgot, Target was the one with 2 bros.

597 posts
Seen 8th February 2023
16th December 2013, 06:54 PM

Welcome i hope you enjoy it here! If you need any help please ask a mod or admin or a trusted user!

+1 by Black
hi i am moshi

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
16th December 2013, 06:54 PM

Are you sam12? Cause I can ask dice and he can tell me if it is u, I'll report you to a mod/admin imminently
can you NOT accuse people of being Sam12,before you have proof? and welcome to the oldcp forums!! enjoy your stay! this is the official forum of oldcp. but oldcp was sadly shut down. you can make posts about pretty much anything! for more info go to "Tutorial."

+1 by Mycroft, Dice, Black and Harrypot9

Everythings not lost
1,280 posts
Seen 12th March 2020
16th December 2013, 06:57 PM

Hello Black! Welcome to the forums. If you need help with anything click on the tutorial to help you. If you need any other help pm (private message) me. I will be glad to help. Here are some of the rules:

1.Be nice, and friendly.
2.Never spam/cuss.
3.Absolutely no bullying/cyberbullying.
4.Don't give away any of your personal information.
5. Have fun!

Hope this helped you a little. Later, and have a nice day everyone! :3

+1 by Black

It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.

713 posts
Seen 6th October 2020
16th December 2013, 07:00 PM

Welcome to the site. If you have any questions or concerns, click my name and mail me.

+1 by Dice and Black

15 posts
16th December 2013, 07:00 PM

Ok listen, Dice has 2 brothers and your one of them. P.S Dice is 8 he shouldn't drink coffee. And also in the picture of him in a pool he has 2 sisters... WHERE ARE YOU!!??!
Dice and I have mooore than 2 brothers... We have like, 8, 10 including me and Dice... We have 5 virtual brothers, who are our friends... We have 5! Wow!

-1 by x

A signature made by CPManiac.

Hopes And Dreams
757 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
16th December 2013, 07:03 PM

I might aswell put some rules:

1.) No spamming, this means no double or triple posting. [Example: (Post 1) Hi! (Post 2) I love the forums! (Post 3) How are you guys?] Just make sure you don't post 2-3 times in a row. Please wait after you post for someone to reply.
2.) No Bullying. Bullying is very rude, and no one should do it. If you are mad at someone, just ignore them :3
3.)Don't give away personal info. This can cause hacking. NEVER share your password with someone else. If they ask you, report them to a moderator. Never share phone numbers, addresses, etc...
4.)Make sure to be nice. Positive attitudes make people like you c: For misbehavior, I believe you get warning points.
5.) PM someone or email them (If their email is on their profile) for assistance. This isn't a rule, just a tip c: Also, you can click "Tutorial".

+1 by Black
Carry on, my wayward son.

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