20th December 2013, 06:48 PM
Live,love and laugh. Its what we should be doing everyday. Live life to the fullest. Think, some people arent as luck as you. Everyone has hard times. But live life to to fullest, It dosnt last forever. If you never were happy with life, when the time comes you would regret it. Please stop saying you wish you were dead. Some people have harder times. But they kept a smile on there face. Just because your in a bad mood dosnt mean you should be mad the whole time. My friends dad passed away. But every time I look at her she keeps a smile on her face. Everyones life is different. No matter what happens live,love and laugh. And dream . So next time something bad happens. Think about this. Live life to the fullest. Dream on as if life never ends.
Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are