22nd December 2013

just a question?

Made by khalfan in Help and Support

148 posts
Seen 25th March 2015
22nd December 2013, 08:28 AM

Hello everyone,

Today i was looking at my profile and i was wondering why my rank always says : Rookie

Then sometimes i see that other peoples rank say : master


1,175 posts
Seen 6th March 2016
22nd December 2013, 08:32 AM

For one, instead of making a Topic, just mail a Moderator.

Two, you are new so you are a "Rookie" and Masters are the ranks they are because they are trusted users.
You have to earn these ranks. hope this helped, not an easy was to explain it. :P

Moderator of Forum.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Best Friends. Damen,Frozo,Sadie,Kara,May,PenguinDSC,CPManiac,Key123,Frogs,Tacofun,
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd December 2013, 08:56 AM

You will got a Member soon, probably... Theb Master! Probably News Reporter, Moderator, and then Administrator!! XD

1,004 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
22nd December 2013, 01:26 PM

Hey! I have the ranks for you here.

Banned A user who dosen't follow the rules and get banned or ipbanned (where you can't use your IP to play)

Rookie What you start of as. Make 50 posts, and see what happenes :)

Member A user who is slightly trusted and has about 50 good posts and have over maybe 20 reputation?

Master A user who is trusted, has 400 good posts and about 100 reputation

News Reporter A user who has also about 200 posts (I think) and they are all related to Reports or news.

Moderator A user with much trust, whom moderates the site and banning/ipbanning those who don't follow the rules

Administrator Admin is a very, very hard rank to get. It is very rare if someone gets Admin, (It never happened) But, we do what one Admin, CyberWolf, and one Main Owner/Creator, Damen.

The higest rank is probably Moderator. Good luck :)!

Sadie was here, 12/27/2018. I love you, have a lovely day. <3
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you. <3
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it! <3
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you. <3

1,068 posts
Seen 21st March 2015
22nd December 2013, 02:04 PM

After a few more posts and a few more likes you will earn the rank Member.The requirements for master is 400 posts and 100 rep.

2,224 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd December 2013, 03:27 PM

For master you need 400 meaningful posts. And 100 rep. But it doesn't happen automatically. When you have 400 posts and 100 rep mail a mod and tell them i have 400 posts and 100 rep. They will check your posts and if the are meaningful, you will get master, if they're not, you will say member. To get member. its 100 posts and 50 rep i think.

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