23rd December 2013, 11:36 AM
Have anyone of you ever heard someone say something unpleasant? Well I have. When you comment remember to say something respectful. This can lead to a lot of drama.. Think before you say or type. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Think about that when your going to say, do or type something. All actions have consequences. If you post something, think about if its reasonable. If you don't like having negative comments, then don't post things that will lead to negative things. Sometimes, if you say or post something hurtful the other person might feel offended. We dont want anyone to post something. But, if they do say something bad in there post, point it out in a nice way. I hope this helps you think more of your actions. Dream on as if life never ends.
Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are
1,004 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
23rd December 2013, 02:52 PM
Right. I have been saying this 1,000,000 times. But, there is no "Drama". Drama dosen't start until you say it does. But other than that good post, +1
Sadie was here, 12/27/2018. I love you, have a lovely day.
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you.
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it!
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you.
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you.
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it!
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you.