30th December 2013, 06:24 AM
How do you poronounce theese words Damen is it Daamen beta is it beeta Bacon is it Baackon
2,224 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
30th December 2013, 06:33 AM
Damen, beta;bacon. Bacon as it the food but backon spelt his name like that.
EDIT: Damen is spelt Damen and pronounced Daymen
Beta is spelt beta and pronounced bayta I think
Bacon is food and pronounced Baycon
EDIT: Damen is spelt Damen and pronounced Daymen
Beta is spelt beta and pronounced bayta I think
Bacon is food and pronounced Baycon
30th December 2013, 06:44 AM
Damen, beta;bacon. Bacon as it the food but backon spelt his name like that.
EDIT: Damen is spelt Damen and pronounced Daymen
Beta is spelt beta and pronounced bayta I think
Bacon is food and pronounced Baycon
EDIT: Damen is spelt Damen and pronounced Daymen
Beta is spelt beta and pronounced bayta I think
Bacon is food and pronounced Baycon
Backon is spelt back on and pronounced Baackon