30th December 2013, 08:18 PM
Hello my friends. To day I have came here to speak about how to gain trust. It is more than a rank and it has to do with the ranks Member, Master, Moderator, and ecspecially admin. This is how you achieve trust.
Trust the word coming from Middle English. Well to explain trust it is well.
Trust is a belief that someone or something reliable, good,honest,effective,ect. Now to earn it you must be all of those traits.
Be a reliable person. Someone that a person can always count on. If they need help or a favor they will count on you. To be reliable you have to keep something safe or that you have to have a thing that you are a reliable person.
To be good means that you are not evil. If someone knows you are a hacker,a bully, rulebreaker,ect. then you are not good.
Honest means that you tell the truth. You tell the truth even if the punishment is really harsh. Even if the punishment is harsh you still earn that you tell the truth.
So be all these traits and see what you can do.
Stay Swimming ~ Smaug
Trust the word coming from Middle English. Well to explain trust it is well.
Trust is a belief that someone or something reliable, good,honest,effective,ect. Now to earn it you must be all of those traits.
Be a reliable person. Someone that a person can always count on. If they need help or a favor they will count on you. To be reliable you have to keep something safe or that you have to have a thing that you are a reliable person.
To be good means that you are not evil. If someone knows you are a hacker,a bully, rulebreaker,ect. then you are not good.
Honest means that you tell the truth. You tell the truth even if the punishment is really harsh. Even if the punishment is harsh you still earn that you tell the truth.
So be all these traits and see what you can do.
Stay Swimming ~ Smaug
Awesome signature made by moshi!
1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
30th December 2013, 08:22 PM
That is very helpful, Smaug! And, are you Chopper because your about me is sorta alike...
705 posts
Seen 20th April 2019
30th December 2013, 09:33 PM
That is very helpful, Smaug! And, are you Chopper because your about me is sorta alike...
he is
2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
31st December 2013, 03:41 AM
That is very helpful, Smaug! And, are you Chopper because your about me is sorta alike...
he is
Drake! Please add more information into your post you posted: He Is
look how short that is please edit and make it longer thank you.
31st December 2013, 07:08 AM
Thank you Smaug this very helpful for me
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http://www.apnazilla.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Life-Always-Offers-You-A-Second-Chance-Picture-Quotes.jpg http://tx7.engine.flamingtext.com/netfu/tmp28001/coollogo_com-150804536.png
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