31st December 2013, 09:13 PM
Water is the first element. The first waterbenders learned waterbending from the moon, as it pushed and pulled the tides. It is about equal in defence and offence, with waterbenders throwing ice at a target for offence, then freezing a slab of ice in front of them for defence. Compressed water could act as a knife to slice through objects like rock or wood. When waterbenders compress water, the water is much less like a liquid and more like a solid, so a waterbender could use a long tentacle of compressed water to pick up objects. Water is the most versitile of all the elements, and I am a waterbender. Water is an extremely powerful element. Waterbenders could also use water to sneak around, by creating a fog/mist to get cover. Master waterbenders could also make Tsunamis, which could crash into beaches and kill many enemies. Waterbenders can bend water, compress water, bend ice, bend snow, and bend mist. Waterbenders who are masters like me, can also heal people just with water. However powerful waterbenders are though, there are some weaknesses.
Waterbenders need a source of water to bend, and cannot just pull water out of thin air. If a waterbender is seperated from a water source, they cannot bend. Because of this, I normally carry a container full of water everywhere I go. Another weakness is that a waterbender bends with their arms. If their arms are binded or tied up, their bending is useless. Waterbenders lose their bending during a lunar eclispse, although after the eclispse is over, they gain their bending again. Now onto the bending techniques.
The Push and Pull Technique:
This technique is simple, but can be very hard for beginners. Take it slow, and in about a week you can go to the next technique. Now, simply get a bowl of water, put your hand over it, and close your eyes. Visualize a white, moonlike substance, your chi, bubbling in your stomach. Then visualize it flowing into your chest, through your arms, and into your hand above the bowl of water. Now imagine a small stream of chi coming out of your finger and into the water inside the bowl. Now move your hand back and forth. Open your eyes, and you should see ripples in the water going back and forth, pushing and pulling, like the tides. It shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes to perform, and when you get better at it you might want to open your eyes during the technique, and you soon will be doing this quick as lightning.
Lifting Water:
This is a basic technique for waterbending, as this technique is about raising the water. What I want you to do is fuse your chi with the water like we talked about above, and then visualize your chi and the water, coming up and lifting out of the bowl. Do not visualize it detaching from the water, as that is too advanced. Open your eyes, and you should see a small bit of water sticking up from the rest. In a few weeks you could be able to lift water several feet in the air. After this technique, I want you to stop closing your eyes during the techniques.
Pretty easy technique after you have finished the aboves techniques. What I want you to do is fuse your chi with the water and then visualize the chi spinning around, around, around, around. A mini whirlpool should pop up in the water. Simple and easy. Practice this, Lifting Water, and the Push and Pull technique for a two weeks before moving on.
Pretty hard technique to do at first, but easy after you have done it once. All you do is lift some water like it says below, and then visualize the water coming up detaching from the rest of the water. Then pull the water up with one hand and put the water into a shape of a bubble in between your hands. After you've finished this technique you don't have to practice Lifting water or the push and pull technique anymore. After about a day you can start on the next technique, Streaming the water.
Streaming the Water:
Streaming the water might be a bit advanced, but with practicing the Bubble move, you should get it in about a day or two. All you do is make a Bubble like it says above, and then just move the water around your body. Move your hands the way you think the should, and just concentrate. Make the water go from side to side around your body, up and down. Once you get this technique once it should be pretty easy to do again.
Freezing Water:
Freezing water is a must, as bending ice is the prime defence for waterbenders. Now what I want you to do is put your fingers in a bowl of water, and visualize the chi coming out of your fingers and into the bowl, then the chi becoming cold and grey. It might take you a few tries to even get the water cold, but eventually you should be able to freeze water in a flash.
Snow Manipulation:
Bending able to bend snow might be a bit harder than bending just plain water. Bending snow is about half defence and half offence, as snow is half ice, half water. You can use quite a few of the waterbending techniques on this site with snow, such as Wave and Water Bullet. Feel free to experiment a bit. Okay, onto the bending. If you don't live in a seasonally snowy place, such as California or Texas, you might want to ignore this technique. But if you live in a place like Michigan like I do, where it snows, this technique will be useful. Now what you do is fuse your chi with the snow, and try to bend it like the Lifting Water technique. It will probably take you about 40 minutes to bend snow, as the ice crystals inside the snow might block the chi inside the snow. Once you get it, this technique should be pretty easy to do again.
Water Whip:
The most frequently seen waterbending offence move involves creating a lashing tendril of water to swipe at an opponent. The shape, size, and length are all determined by the waterbender's control. Combined with the Water Pressure Manipulation technique coming up, a waterbender could easily create a Water Whip that could slice through metal with ease. This is a fairly easy move once you've mastered Streaming the Water. Now what I want you to do is bring some water up, about chest height. Pull the water back, and then quickly pull it forward in a whip-like fashion. Pretty easy, huh?
Water Jet:
Jets can be used to force opponents back or even blast right through a target if focused enough. These jets can be used with the Water Pressure Manipulation I will teach you in a few more techniques to make these jets even stronger. Now for the technique, you cannot just use the bowl of water. These jets will need a lake. So go to a local river or lake, and lift some water. Make this lifted water really tall. Now force this water up very fast in a jet like fashion. You could make thin jets for supreme accuracy, or thick jets for muliple opponents. Now practice this and the Water Whip for a few weeks before moving on to the next technique.
Thawing Ice:
Back to creating ice. Thawing is a really useful technique, as you cannot create ice and then not know how to thaw it. It is as easy as creating ice. Now what I need you to do is freeze some water in a bowl, and then but your fingers on it. Close your eyes, and imagine the cold and grey chi, turning back to white and moonlike. This should thaw it. After about 3 hours of perfecting this technique, you can move onto the next one.
Shaping Ice:
Shaping ice is pretty easy. All you need to do is fuse your chi with the water and visualize the chi coming together into some sort of shape, say, a ball, or, a petal. Now freeze the chi. The water should be frozen in some sort of shape. After you are done with this technique, I recommend thawing the shaped ice for more practice. Practice this for 3 days before moving on to the next.
Ice Structure:
Building an ice structure is really hard compared to the above ice techniques, it should take you about 1 week to actually master this technique. What I need you to do is bend some water, and hover it slightly above the table. Now freeze the water into a shape, like a person or a bird. It doesn't need to be perfect, as if it looks slightly like the structure you are trying to create, you are finished with this technique.
By moving a large mass of water without seperating it from it's original source, waterbenders can create waves of nearly any size. This is a really easy technique especially if you've perfected the Water Jet. All you need to do is fuse your chi with the water at your pond or lake, and push or pull the water and the chi until it makes a wave. Pretty easy, and will be the basis of many techniques to come.
Creating mist/fog is really easy compared to the above techniques. What I want you to do is visualize your chi going into the bowl like we have been talking about, and then slowly lift your hand. Visualize the chi fusing with the water, and coming into the air as mist. Open your eyes, and you should see a fine fog sitting above the water. You can do this at a much larger scale, to provide cover against your opponent.
Water Bullet:
The Water Bullet is a move where a waterbender bends an amount of water and sends it at a forceful blow at their target. This is very similar to water jet, but instead of bending the jet based on the Lifting Water technique, the Water Bullet is based on the Streaming the Water technique. Okay, so lift some water up and quickly bend it at your opponent. This is a basic attack move for waterbenders. You should be able to do it on a dime, and for the next week practice Water Jet and Water Bullet alot.
Water Pressure Manipulation:
Water is incompressible, and could be used to act like a semi-solid though still being able to act like a liquid. This is one of my favorite parts of waterbending, as by using water pressure you could pick up objects with water, slice through objects such as metal or wood with ease. I will start you off by teaching you how to do this with Water Whip. So perform water whip, and visualize the chi in the Whip getting closer and closer together. After you've done that, use the whip against a tree. The tree should be sliced a bit. After you've done that, press the chi closer together, and try to pick up a rock with the water whip like a tentacle. Picking up a rock might be harder to do than slicing a tree. Practice this with Water Jet for lethality, although I don't recommend doing this unless it is an emergency. Awesome technique.
Water Wall/Shield:
Water can be molded into any shape and can be used to delfect any attacks. Okay, so what you do is you Get some water and thin it out in front of you so it looks kind of like a shield. Then use the Water Pressure Manipulation technique above to compress the water. This should act like a shield, but to be sure you should get it right, a friend should try to throw small rocks or pebbles at the shield. If that works, you have done the first offencive technique to Waterbending!
Ice Wall/Shield:
A Waterbender can freeze an amount of water in front of them, creating an Ice Shield. Ice Shields are very easy if you practiced the Ice Sculpture technique alot. Okay, so all you need to do is raise up some water and thin it out. Then freeze it. Simple. Practice this and Water Wall for a few weeks before moving on to the next techniques.
Ice Spike:
Waterbenders can shoot small spike shaped shards of ice at their opponent. Very good offensive technique, and I use this quite frequently. All you need for this is to just freeze some water and shape it into a spike. Then you visualize the chi in the ice shooting in front of you while quickly pushing your hands forward. These spikes should shoot at the target of your choice, say, a tree, or, a boulder.
Water Knife:
Water Knife is a much more advanced version of the tree slicing technique I showed you on the Water Pressure Manipulation technique. What you do here is you stream some water and compress it very, very hard, about twice as much as you would to pick something up with water. Then try to slice a bit of metal. It should slice almost all the way through. Pretty good offence, very good in hand-to-hand combat.
Ice Spear:
The Ice Spear involves freezing an area of water and quickly throwing it at a target. I recommend you practice the Ice Spike technique for about two weeks before starting this. This involves some work, but is very good for offence. All you do is freeze some water and throw about a bunch of large ice spikes in a short period of time, say, 1 ice spike a second. This should overwhelm your opponent. Practice this alot. Move on to the next techniques in a week.
Ice Creeper:
A waterbender could send a ray of ice on the ground speeding at an opponent to freeze them. So what I need you to do is simply freeze a bit of water on the ground, then stretch it out, alot, speeding at your opponent like a ray. Because of water being incompressible, you can stretch the ice ray out forever. Now when the ice ray hits the target, say, a tree, or another person, bring the ice up to freeze your opponent. Simple but a bit difficult.
Ice Discs:
A waterbender can create a cylindrical column of ice and proceed to slice razor sharp sections off and send them at an opponent. They are sharp around the edges but are very thin. This is my favorite waterbending move of all time, as you could easily overwhelm an opponent. So, get into the pond or lake you have been working in, and create a column of water that stretches from the bottom of the pond that sticks up about 6 inches above the surface. Slice a thin disc out of the colunm with your waterbending and then throw the disc at a target. Do this several times in a row. These techniques are getting tougher and tougher. Practice this and Ice Creeper for a while before moving on to the next technique.
Water Cloak:
Waterbenders can bend water around their arms to extend to their own arms, like tentacles. It is pretty cool, as with these extentions of your arms you can blast enemies, whip them, and freeze them. All you need to do is bend some water around your arms that look like tentacles. The water tentacles should be way bigger than your own arms. So form them around your arms and pressurize them so you can actually pick up objects. Pretty useful technique in pitched combat.
Healing is a miraculous aspect of waterbending. With this ability, you can heal wounds by redirecting chi paths. Chi, the substance you have been using to bend, runs through veins in your body. There are a few chi paths in your body, one that goes through your head, your arms, your stomach, your chest, and your legs. So simply bend some water and put it around the wound. Then visualize the chi from the water being absorbed into the body and being redirected. The wound should heal. This is a very hard technique though, and might take you weeks to even perform!
Water Drill:
A Water Drill is a high pressure rotating column of water. The water drill is pretty hard, and should take you some time to master. So what you need to do is get some water, and pressurize it alot, about 2 times as much as you did for Water Knife. Rotate it like you did for the Whirlpool technique. The Water Drill is a really good offensive technique, and you can create Water Drills of various sizes.
Ice Dome:
A waterbender can create a dome of ice, trapping their opponent inside. All you need to do is create a dome of water and then freeze it around an opponent. This should trap your opponent like a jail. Pretty easy and simple, and Ice Domes can easily let you win a battle.
Ice Prison:
This technique traps your opponent in a prison made of ice. It is similar to Ice Dome, but is more efficient and takes more concentration. What you need to do is do the Ice Spear technique, and don't make the spears hit the opponent, make them form around them like a prison. This might take a while, try it on trees before you move on to people. Practice this and Ice Dome for the ultimate prison techniques.
Ice Floor:
With a sufficient amount of ice a waterbender can cover a large amount of ground in ice, trapping opponent's feet and allowing the waterbender to slide around. Pretty simple, but can be a bit hard because you are dealing with a large amount of water. So bend up alot of water from the pond or lake you have been working with, and put it on the ground. Freeze it, and practice sliding around on it. Should take you about a week to actually perform, and another week to practice sliding around on it.
Octopus Form:
The octopus form is where a waterbender forms water around them, creating 8 tentacle like limbs to blast enemies, whip them, freeze them, and intercept attacks. This is very hard, and takes alot of concentration because there are 8 limbs. So get alot of water, and bend it up like a circle around your body. Make this circle wider so it is about 3 feet from you. Then from the circle of water bring up 1 tentacle-like limb at a time, creating 8. Pressurize these tentacles. you should be able to pick stuff up with these. This technique is an advanced version of Water Cloak. Try to start with 3 tentacles and make your way up to 8. I honestly perfer Water Cloak, because it takes much less concentration.
Water Walking:
Walking on Water is miraculous. It is pretty easy compared to the above techniques. Now all you need to do is pressurize some water in the pond. Walk on the pressurized water. You should be walking on water, but if you just fall into the water, try to pressurize the water even more, about as much as you would for the Water Drill technique.
Water Dome:
A waterbender can bend the rain, and form a dome made of water. Okay so wait until it rains. Then bend the rain so it forms a dome made of water around you. Useless technique, but pretty easy, and you can create domes of various sizes.
Razor Rings:
A waterbender can create simultaneous water rings capable of cutting. Razor Rings is one of my favorite waterbending techniques, as you can easily overwhelm an opponent. So first off, create a semicircle made of water in your pond without seperating it from the pond water. Pressurize it, and then, without seperating it from the pond, throw it at your opponent. Do this many, many, many times at once to easily overwhelm your opponent. After this technique, stop doing your techniques in the pond, and start doing them in the ocean, at the beach.
Water Spout:
Waterbenders can create a spiral of water, and ride in the middle, elevating them off the ground. This is one of the hardest techniques in waterbending. So what you need to do is make a vertical cylindrical spiral of water, and get into the middle of it. You should be riding in the middle, and from this height you can attack many opponents at once. Should take you about a month to actually perform.
In a large body of water, a waterbender can create a gigantic whirlpool. Similar to the Whirlpool technique, but on a much larger scale. So fuse alot of your chi with the ocean, and then spin the chi around so fast, and spread the chi out. There should be a gigantic whirlpool in the water. Very, very, very hard. It might take you months to perform.
The hardest technique in all of waterbending. Go to the beach and fuse your chi with the water. Make a quick circular motion with you arms. You then should see a giagantic wave coming up on to shore. You should run up to the high ground to get away from the Tsunami. Very, very good in combat at the beach. It took me 7 months to perform, but it might take you longer. Thats it for waterbending!
Water is the first element. The first waterbenders learned waterbending from the moon, as it pushed and pulled the tides. It is about equal in defence and offence, with waterbenders throwing ice at a target for offence, then freezing a slab of ice in front of them for defence. Compressed water could act as a knife to slice through objects like rock or wood. When waterbenders compress water, the water is much less like a liquid and more like a solid, so a waterbender could use a long tentacle of compressed water to pick up objects. Water is the most versitile of all the elements, and I am a waterbender. Water is an extremely powerful element. Waterbenders could also use water to sneak around, by creating a fog/mist to get cover. Master waterbenders could also make Tsunamis, which could crash into beaches and kill many enemies. Waterbenders can bend water, compress water, bend ice, bend snow, and bend mist. Waterbenders who are masters like me, can also heal people just with water. However powerful waterbenders are though, there are some weaknesses.
Waterbenders need a source of water to bend, and cannot just pull water out of thin air. If a waterbender is seperated from a water source, they cannot bend. Because of this, I normally carry a container full of water everywhere I go. Another weakness is that a waterbender bends with their arms. If their arms are binded or tied up, their bending is useless. Waterbenders lose their bending during a lunar eclispse, although after the eclispse is over, they gain their bending again. Now onto the bending techniques.
The Push and Pull Technique:
This technique is simple, but can be very hard for beginners. Take it slow, and in about a week you can go to the next technique. Now, simply get a bowl of water, put your hand over it, and close your eyes. Visualize a white, moonlike substance, your chi, bubbling in your stomach. Then visualize it flowing into your chest, through your arms, and into your hand above the bowl of water. Now imagine a small stream of chi coming out of your finger and into the water inside the bowl. Now move your hand back and forth. Open your eyes, and you should see ripples in the water going back and forth, pushing and pulling, like the tides. It shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes to perform, and when you get better at it you might want to open your eyes during the technique, and you soon will be doing this quick as lightning.
Lifting Water:
This is a basic technique for waterbending, as this technique is about raising the water. What I want you to do is fuse your chi with the water like we talked about above, and then visualize your chi and the water, coming up and lifting out of the bowl. Do not visualize it detaching from the water, as that is too advanced. Open your eyes, and you should see a small bit of water sticking up from the rest. In a few weeks you could be able to lift water several feet in the air. After this technique, I want you to stop closing your eyes during the techniques.
Pretty easy technique after you have finished the aboves techniques. What I want you to do is fuse your chi with the water and then visualize the chi spinning around, around, around, around. A mini whirlpool should pop up in the water. Simple and easy. Practice this, Lifting Water, and the Push and Pull technique for a two weeks before moving on.
Pretty hard technique to do at first, but easy after you have done it once. All you do is lift some water like it says below, and then visualize the water coming up detaching from the rest of the water. Then pull the water up with one hand and put the water into a shape of a bubble in between your hands. After you've finished this technique you don't have to practice Lifting water or the push and pull technique anymore. After about a day you can start on the next technique, Streaming the water.
Streaming the Water:
Streaming the water might be a bit advanced, but with practicing the Bubble move, you should get it in about a day or two. All you do is make a Bubble like it says above, and then just move the water around your body. Move your hands the way you think the should, and just concentrate. Make the water go from side to side around your body, up and down. Once you get this technique once it should be pretty easy to do again.
Freezing Water:
Freezing water is a must, as bending ice is the prime defence for waterbenders. Now what I want you to do is put your fingers in a bowl of water, and visualize the chi coming out of your fingers and into the bowl, then the chi becoming cold and grey. It might take you a few tries to even get the water cold, but eventually you should be able to freeze water in a flash.
Snow Manipulation:
Bending able to bend snow might be a bit harder than bending just plain water. Bending snow is about half defence and half offence, as snow is half ice, half water. You can use quite a few of the waterbending techniques on this site with snow, such as Wave and Water Bullet. Feel free to experiment a bit. Okay, onto the bending. If you don't live in a seasonally snowy place, such as California or Texas, you might want to ignore this technique. But if you live in a place like Michigan like I do, where it snows, this technique will be useful. Now what you do is fuse your chi with the snow, and try to bend it like the Lifting Water technique. It will probably take you about 40 minutes to bend snow, as the ice crystals inside the snow might block the chi inside the snow. Once you get it, this technique should be pretty easy to do again.
Water Whip:
The most frequently seen waterbending offence move involves creating a lashing tendril of water to swipe at an opponent. The shape, size, and length are all determined by the waterbender's control. Combined with the Water Pressure Manipulation technique coming up, a waterbender could easily create a Water Whip that could slice through metal with ease. This is a fairly easy move once you've mastered Streaming the Water. Now what I want you to do is bring some water up, about chest height. Pull the water back, and then quickly pull it forward in a whip-like fashion. Pretty easy, huh?
Water Jet:
Jets can be used to force opponents back or even blast right through a target if focused enough. These jets can be used with the Water Pressure Manipulation I will teach you in a few more techniques to make these jets even stronger. Now for the technique, you cannot just use the bowl of water. These jets will need a lake. So go to a local river or lake, and lift some water. Make this lifted water really tall. Now force this water up very fast in a jet like fashion. You could make thin jets for supreme accuracy, or thick jets for muliple opponents. Now practice this and the Water Whip for a few weeks before moving on to the next technique.
Thawing Ice:
Back to creating ice. Thawing is a really useful technique, as you cannot create ice and then not know how to thaw it. It is as easy as creating ice. Now what I need you to do is freeze some water in a bowl, and then but your fingers on it. Close your eyes, and imagine the cold and grey chi, turning back to white and moonlike. This should thaw it. After about 3 hours of perfecting this technique, you can move onto the next one.
Shaping Ice:
Shaping ice is pretty easy. All you need to do is fuse your chi with the water and visualize the chi coming together into some sort of shape, say, a ball, or, a petal. Now freeze the chi. The water should be frozen in some sort of shape. After you are done with this technique, I recommend thawing the shaped ice for more practice. Practice this for 3 days before moving on to the next.
Ice Structure:
Building an ice structure is really hard compared to the above ice techniques, it should take you about 1 week to actually master this technique. What I need you to do is bend some water, and hover it slightly above the table. Now freeze the water into a shape, like a person or a bird. It doesn't need to be perfect, as if it looks slightly like the structure you are trying to create, you are finished with this technique.
By moving a large mass of water without seperating it from it's original source, waterbenders can create waves of nearly any size. This is a really easy technique especially if you've perfected the Water Jet. All you need to do is fuse your chi with the water at your pond or lake, and push or pull the water and the chi until it makes a wave. Pretty easy, and will be the basis of many techniques to come.
Creating mist/fog is really easy compared to the above techniques. What I want you to do is visualize your chi going into the bowl like we have been talking about, and then slowly lift your hand. Visualize the chi fusing with the water, and coming into the air as mist. Open your eyes, and you should see a fine fog sitting above the water. You can do this at a much larger scale, to provide cover against your opponent.
Water Bullet:
The Water Bullet is a move where a waterbender bends an amount of water and sends it at a forceful blow at their target. This is very similar to water jet, but instead of bending the jet based on the Lifting Water technique, the Water Bullet is based on the Streaming the Water technique. Okay, so lift some water up and quickly bend it at your opponent. This is a basic attack move for waterbenders. You should be able to do it on a dime, and for the next week practice Water Jet and Water Bullet alot.
Water Pressure Manipulation:
Water is incompressible, and could be used to act like a semi-solid though still being able to act like a liquid. This is one of my favorite parts of waterbending, as by using water pressure you could pick up objects with water, slice through objects such as metal or wood with ease. I will start you off by teaching you how to do this with Water Whip. So perform water whip, and visualize the chi in the Whip getting closer and closer together. After you've done that, use the whip against a tree. The tree should be sliced a bit. After you've done that, press the chi closer together, and try to pick up a rock with the water whip like a tentacle. Picking up a rock might be harder to do than slicing a tree. Practice this with Water Jet for lethality, although I don't recommend doing this unless it is an emergency. Awesome technique.
Water Wall/Shield:
Water can be molded into any shape and can be used to delfect any attacks. Okay, so what you do is you Get some water and thin it out in front of you so it looks kind of like a shield. Then use the Water Pressure Manipulation technique above to compress the water. This should act like a shield, but to be sure you should get it right, a friend should try to throw small rocks or pebbles at the shield. If that works, you have done the first offencive technique to Waterbending!
Ice Wall/Shield:
A Waterbender can freeze an amount of water in front of them, creating an Ice Shield. Ice Shields are very easy if you practiced the Ice Sculpture technique alot. Okay, so all you need to do is raise up some water and thin it out. Then freeze it. Simple. Practice this and Water Wall for a few weeks before moving on to the next techniques.
Ice Spike:
Waterbenders can shoot small spike shaped shards of ice at their opponent. Very good offensive technique, and I use this quite frequently. All you need for this is to just freeze some water and shape it into a spike. Then you visualize the chi in the ice shooting in front of you while quickly pushing your hands forward. These spikes should shoot at the target of your choice, say, a tree, or, a boulder.
Water Knife:
Water Knife is a much more advanced version of the tree slicing technique I showed you on the Water Pressure Manipulation technique. What you do here is you stream some water and compress it very, very hard, about twice as much as you would to pick something up with water. Then try to slice a bit of metal. It should slice almost all the way through. Pretty good offence, very good in hand-to-hand combat.
Ice Spear:
The Ice Spear involves freezing an area of water and quickly throwing it at a target. I recommend you practice the Ice Spike technique for about two weeks before starting this. This involves some work, but is very good for offence. All you do is freeze some water and throw about a bunch of large ice spikes in a short period of time, say, 1 ice spike a second. This should overwhelm your opponent. Practice this alot. Move on to the next techniques in a week.
Ice Creeper:
A waterbender could send a ray of ice on the ground speeding at an opponent to freeze them. So what I need you to do is simply freeze a bit of water on the ground, then stretch it out, alot, speeding at your opponent like a ray. Because of water being incompressible, you can stretch the ice ray out forever. Now when the ice ray hits the target, say, a tree, or another person, bring the ice up to freeze your opponent. Simple but a bit difficult.
Ice Discs:
A waterbender can create a cylindrical column of ice and proceed to slice razor sharp sections off and send them at an opponent. They are sharp around the edges but are very thin. This is my favorite waterbending move of all time, as you could easily overwhelm an opponent. So, get into the pond or lake you have been working in, and create a column of water that stretches from the bottom of the pond that sticks up about 6 inches above the surface. Slice a thin disc out of the colunm with your waterbending and then throw the disc at a target. Do this several times in a row. These techniques are getting tougher and tougher. Practice this and Ice Creeper for a while before moving on to the next technique.
Water Cloak:
Waterbenders can bend water around their arms to extend to their own arms, like tentacles. It is pretty cool, as with these extentions of your arms you can blast enemies, whip them, and freeze them. All you need to do is bend some water around your arms that look like tentacles. The water tentacles should be way bigger than your own arms. So form them around your arms and pressurize them so you can actually pick up objects. Pretty useful technique in pitched combat.
Healing is a miraculous aspect of waterbending. With this ability, you can heal wounds by redirecting chi paths. Chi, the substance you have been using to bend, runs through veins in your body. There are a few chi paths in your body, one that goes through your head, your arms, your stomach, your chest, and your legs. So simply bend some water and put it around the wound. Then visualize the chi from the water being absorbed into the body and being redirected. The wound should heal. This is a very hard technique though, and might take you weeks to even perform!
Water Drill:
A Water Drill is a high pressure rotating column of water. The water drill is pretty hard, and should take you some time to master. So what you need to do is get some water, and pressurize it alot, about 2 times as much as you did for Water Knife. Rotate it like you did for the Whirlpool technique. The Water Drill is a really good offensive technique, and you can create Water Drills of various sizes.
Ice Dome:
A waterbender can create a dome of ice, trapping their opponent inside. All you need to do is create a dome of water and then freeze it around an opponent. This should trap your opponent like a jail. Pretty easy and simple, and Ice Domes can easily let you win a battle.
Ice Prison:
This technique traps your opponent in a prison made of ice. It is similar to Ice Dome, but is more efficient and takes more concentration. What you need to do is do the Ice Spear technique, and don't make the spears hit the opponent, make them form around them like a prison. This might take a while, try it on trees before you move on to people. Practice this and Ice Dome for the ultimate prison techniques.
Ice Floor:
With a sufficient amount of ice a waterbender can cover a large amount of ground in ice, trapping opponent's feet and allowing the waterbender to slide around. Pretty simple, but can be a bit hard because you are dealing with a large amount of water. So bend up alot of water from the pond or lake you have been working with, and put it on the ground. Freeze it, and practice sliding around on it. Should take you about a week to actually perform, and another week to practice sliding around on it.
Octopus Form:
The octopus form is where a waterbender forms water around them, creating 8 tentacle like limbs to blast enemies, whip them, freeze them, and intercept attacks. This is very hard, and takes alot of concentration because there are 8 limbs. So get alot of water, and bend it up like a circle around your body. Make this circle wider so it is about 3 feet from you. Then from the circle of water bring up 1 tentacle-like limb at a time, creating 8. Pressurize these tentacles. you should be able to pick stuff up with these. This technique is an advanced version of Water Cloak. Try to start with 3 tentacles and make your way up to 8. I honestly perfer Water Cloak, because it takes much less concentration.
Water Walking:
Walking on Water is miraculous. It is pretty easy compared to the above techniques. Now all you need to do is pressurize some water in the pond. Walk on the pressurized water. You should be walking on water, but if you just fall into the water, try to pressurize the water even more, about as much as you would for the Water Drill technique.
Water Dome:
A waterbender can bend the rain, and form a dome made of water. Okay so wait until it rains. Then bend the rain so it forms a dome made of water around you. Useless technique, but pretty easy, and you can create domes of various sizes.
Razor Rings:
A waterbender can create simultaneous water rings capable of cutting. Razor Rings is one of my favorite waterbending techniques, as you can easily overwhelm an opponent. So first off, create a semicircle made of water in your pond without seperating it from the pond water. Pressurize it, and then, without seperating it from the pond, throw it at your opponent. Do this many, many, many times at once to easily overwhelm your opponent. After this technique, stop doing your techniques in the pond, and start doing them in the ocean, at the beach.
Water Spout:
Waterbenders can create a spiral of water, and ride in the middle, elevating them off the ground. This is one of the hardest techniques in waterbending. So what you need to do is make a vertical cylindrical spiral of water, and get into the middle of it. You should be riding in the middle, and from this height you can attack many opponents at once. Should take you about a month to actually perform.
In a large body of water, a waterbender can create a gigantic whirlpool. Similar to the Whirlpool technique, but on a much larger scale. So fuse alot of your chi with the ocean, and then spin the chi around so fast, and spread the chi out. There should be a gigantic whirlpool in the water. Very, very, very hard. It might take you months to perform.
The hardest technique in all of waterbending. Go to the beach and fuse your chi with the water. Make a quick circular motion with you arms. You then should see a giagantic wave coming up on to shore. You should run up to the high ground to get away from the Tsunami. Very, very good in combat at the beach. It took me 7 months to perform, but it might take you longer. Thats it for waterbending!
520 posts
Seen 28th June 2021
31st December 2013, 09:16 PM
Did you happen to just copy and paste this from http://elementalgoodness.webs.com/water.htm?

"Everyone has heard that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters would eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the internet, we now know that this is not true."
31st December 2013, 09:17 PM
Did you happen to just copy and paste this from http://elementalgoodness.webs.com/water.htm?
Well it is my website
31st December 2013, 09:47 PM
I Did All This Without The Time Thing Its Working AM I very Skilled In Spells Since I Did A Elamental Spell? ~Star~
Well elemental spells are not allowed cuz bad things will happen Not by me of course but your suspost to fuse your chi with the water also its more fun at the end also sometimes Magic will not work like during a lunar eclipse and there are some other places where magic will not work like don't use magic near or in a grave yard cuz the Dead aborders your magic When I was near a grave yard I had an out of body exp
I could feel there pain how they died where they were shot it was painfull I could feel the pain they had when they were hurt I was crying then we left the grave yard and I was breathing hard and finaly everthing was normal I felt fine but still a little scared about what just happened the same could happen if you don't fuse your chi cuz the ur chi can't be taken